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Pre-implementation assessment of a national Ethiopian pediatriccancer registry




In Ethiopia, cancer accounts for about 5.8% of total national mortality. It isestimated that the annual incidence of cancer is ∼60 960 cases and theannual mortality is more than 44 000, which is likely anunderestimation. TikurAnbessa Specialized Hospital (TASH) in Addis Ababa is home to the nation’sfirst and largest pediatric hematology-oncology service, opened in 2013 inpartnership with The Aslan Project (hereafter called Aslan). Although the survivalrate for acute lymphoblastic leukemia is 80% or better in the United States, it isestimated that the survival rate is below 20% in Ethiopia. Part of the problem isthat there is minimal well-documented demographic information regarding patients,their diseases, and disease outcomes. The World Health Organization (WHO) providesrecommendations for creating cancer registries. Aslan provided funding to support data clerks in 2 hospitalsin Ethiopia: TASH and Jimma University Specialized Hospital (Jimma, Ethiopia). Aslanalso supported initial training on data collection for staff at those institutions,as well as staff at St. Paul’s Hospital Millennium Medical College (AddisAbaba, Ethiopia), and Ayder Comprehensive Specialized Hospital (Mekelle,Ethiopia). As part of thecollaboration with the TASH/Aslan/University of North Carolina (UNC) pediatrichematology-oncology team, a team of UNC pharmacists traveled to TASH in March 2019with the objective of performing a pre-implementation assessment for introducing anational pediatric cancer registry.
机译:在埃塞俄比亚,癌症约占全国总死亡率的5.8%。它是据估计,每年的癌症发病率约为60 960例,年死亡率超过44 000,这很可能是低估。提库尔亚的斯亚贝巴的Anbessa专科医院(TASH)是该国首个也是最大的儿科血液肿瘤学服务,于2013年开业与The Aslan Project(以下简称Aslan)建立合作伙伴关系。虽然生存在美国,急性淋巴细胞白血病的发生率是80%或更高,据估计,埃塞俄比亚的存活率低于20%。问题的一部分是关于患者的最少的有据可查的人口统计信息,他们的疾病和疾病后果。世界卫生组织(WHO)提供创建癌症注册中心的建议。阿斯兰(Aslan)提供了资金来支持两家医院的数据管理员埃塞俄比亚:塔什医院和吉马大学专科医院(埃塞俄比亚吉马)。阿斯兰还支持对这些机构的工作人员进行数据收集的初步培训,以及圣保罗医院千禧医学院(Addis埃塞俄比亚阿巴巴)和艾德综合专科医院(Mekelle,埃塞俄比亚)。作为一部分与TASH / Aslan /北卡罗来纳大学(UNC)儿科合作血液肿瘤学团队,UNC药剂师团队于2019年3月前往塔什目的是进行实施前评估以引入国家儿童癌症登记处。



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