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Intellectual similarity of virtual twin pairs: Developmental trends




Virtual twins (VTs) are same-age unrelated siblings reared together from infancy who replicate twinship, but without the genetic relatedness. A 2005 report from the ongoing Fullerton Virtual Twin Study found an IQ intraclass correlation of .26 (p < .01, n = 113 pairs) and a within-pair difference of 13.22 IQ points. The average age of VTs in that study was 8.10 years (SD = 8.56, range: 4.01–54.84 years). An opportunity to retest members of 43 VT pairs, 1.70–8.96 years after their time 1 assessment, allowed additional analyses of genetic and environmental influences underlying general intellectual development. A decrease in the VT IQ correlation and an increase in the within-pair difference were indicated, consistent with increasing genetic and/or non-shared environmental influences and decreasing shared environmental influence on general intellectual development throughout childhood.
机译:虚拟双胞胎(VTs)是从婴儿期开始育成的同龄无关兄弟姐妹,他们复制双胞胎,但没有遗传关系。正在进行的富乐顿虚拟双胞胎研究的2005年报告发现,智商组内相关性为0.26(p <.01,n = 113对),配对内差异为13.22 IQ点。在该研究中,VT的平均年龄为8.10岁(SD = 8.56,范围:4.01至54.84岁)。在时间1评估后的1.70–8.96年内,有机会重新测试43对VT对的成员,从而可以对一般智力发育潜在的遗传和环境影响进行进一步分析。 VT IQ相关性的降低和配对内差异的增加表明,与遗传和/或非共享环境影响的增加以及共享环境对整个儿童整个智力发育的影响的减少相一致。



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