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The impact of illicit drug use and substance abuse treatment on adherence to HAART




High levels of adherence to highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) are essential for virologic suppression and longer survival in patients with HIV. We examined the effects of substance abuse treatment, current versus former substance use, and hazardous/binge drinking on adherence to HAART. During 2003, 659 HIV patients on HAART in primary care were interviewed. Adherence was defined as ≥95% adherence to all antiretroviral medications. Current substance users used illicit drugs and/or hazardous/binge drinking within the past six months, while former users had not used substances for at least six months. Logistic regression analyses of adherence to HAART included demographic, clinical and substance abuse variables. Sixty-seven percent of the sample reported 95% adherence or greater. However, current users (60%) were significantly less likely to be adherent than former (68%) or never users (77%). In multivariate analysis, former users in substance abuse treatment were as adherent to HAART as never users (Adjusted Odds Ratio (AOR) 0.82; p>0.5). In contrast, former users who had not received recent substance abuse treatment were significantly less adherent than never users (AOR=0.61; p=0.05). Current substance users were significantly less adherent than never users, regardless of substance abuse treatment (p<0.01). Substance abuse treatment interacts with current versus former drug use status to affect adherence to HAART. Substance abuse treatment may improve HAART adherence for former substance users.
机译:高度坚持高效抗逆转录病毒疗法(HAART)对于HIV患者的病毒学抑制和更长的生存期至关重要。我们检查了药物滥用治疗,当前药物使用与以前药物使用以及危险/暴饮暴饮对遵守HAART的影响。 2003年期间,对659名接受HAART初级保健的HIV患者进行了采访。坚持被定义为对所有抗逆转录病毒药物的坚持≥95%。当前的吸毒者在过去六个月内使用了非法药物和/或危险/暴饮暴食,而以前的吸毒者至少六个月未使用过毒品。遵守HAART的Logistic回归分析包括人口统计学,临床和药物滥用变量。 67%的样本报告遵守率达到95%或更高。但是,目前的使用者(60%)与以前的使用者(68%)或从未使用者(77%)相依的可能性明显降低。在多变量分析中,曾经接受过药物滥用治疗的用户对HAART的依从性与从未使用过的用户相同(调整后的赔率(AOR)为0.82; p> 0.5)。相比之下,从未接受过近期药物滥用治疗的前使用者的依从性明显低于从未使用过的使用者(AOR = 0.61; p = 0.05)。无论是否进行了药物滥用治疗,目前的药物使用者依从依从性都比没有使用者低(p <0.01)。药物滥用治疗与当前和以前的药物使用状况相互作用,影响对HAART的依从性。药物滥用治疗可能会提高原药物使用者对HAART的依从性。



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