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Effects of altering reinforcer magnitude and reinforcement schedule on phencyclidine (PCP) self-administration in monkeys using an adjusting delay task




Compared to nondrug reinforcers, few studies have examined delay discounting for drug reinforcers. The purpose of the present study was to examine delay discounting in rhesus monkeys using orally delivered phencyclidine (PCP) as the reinforcer and to examine the effects of manipulating reinforcer magnitude and cost on delay discounting for PCP using an adjusting delay task. Monkeys could choose between a single delivery of PCP available immediately or a bundle of PCP deliveries available following a titrated delay. The average of the delays, or the mean adjusted delay (MAD), served as the quantitative measure of delay discounting. In Experiment 1, reinforcer magnitude was manipulated by varying the PCP concentration and the size of the delayed reinforcer (6 or 12 deliveries). The concentration-effect curve for PCP deliveries assumed an inverted U-shaped function, but varying PCP concentration had little effect on MAD values or choice between immediate and delayed reinforcers. Increasing the size of the delayed reinforcer produced an upward and leftward shift in the concentration effect curve. In Experiment 2, the cost of reinforcers was manipulated by increasing the fixed ratio (FR) requirement for each choice. Increasing the FR led to increased MAD values and decreased PCP self-administration.
机译:与非药物补强剂相比,很少有研究检查药物补强剂的延迟贴现。本研究的目的是使用口服递送的苯环利定(PCP)作为增强剂来检查恒河猴的延迟贴现,并使用调整延迟任务来研究操纵增强剂的量和成本对PCP延迟贴现的影响。猴子可以选择立即提供单次PCP交付,也可以在延迟定额后选择一捆PCP交付。延迟的平均值,或平均调整延迟(MAD),用作延迟折现的定量度量。在实验1中,通过改变PCP浓度和延迟补强剂的大小(6或12个输送量)来控制补强剂的大小。 PCP输送的浓度-效果曲线假定为倒U形函数,但变化的PCP浓度对MAD值或立即和延迟补强剂之间的选择几乎没有影响。延迟钢筋的尺寸增加会导致集中效应曲线向上和向左移动。在实验2中,通过增加每种选择的固定比率(FR)来控制增强剂的成本。 FR的增加导致MAD值增加和PCP自我管理减少。



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