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Pre-eclampsia: the pivotal role of the placenta in its pathophysiology and markers for early detection




Pre-eclampsia is the second leading cause of maternal morbidity and mortality in the United States. Infants born to affected mothers face a five-fold increase in death rate [; National Heart Lung and Blood Institute 2001]. Although pre-eclampsia has been recognized by physicians for millennia, relatively little is known about its pathogenesis or prevention. Predicting its development is often extremely difficult, perhaps leading the Greeks to use the name ’eklampsis’ meaning lightening. Recent studies provide novel insights into the role of the placenta in the development of pre-eclampsia and demonstrate novel markers to assist in predicting the onset of disease and potential therapeutic targets. Following an introduction which highlights the classification of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy and defines incidence and adverse outcomes of pre-eclampsia, this manuscript will discuss the role of the placenta in the pathophysiology of pre-eclampsia and recent markers that may predict its onset.
机译:子痫前期是美国孕产妇发病和死亡的第二大原因。患病母亲所生的婴儿死亡率增加了五倍[;国家心肺血液研究所,2001]。尽管先兆子痫已被医师认可了数千年,但对其发病机理或预防知之甚少。预测其发展通常非常困难,也许会使希腊人使用“ eklampsis”这个名字来减轻重量。最近的研究提供了关于胎盘在先兆子痫发展中的作用的新颖见解,并证明了新颖的标记物可帮助预测疾病的发作和潜在的治疗靶标。在介绍强调妊娠高血压疾病的分类并定义先兆子痫的发病率和不良后果的引言之后,本手稿将讨论胎盘在先兆子痫的病理生理学中的作用以及可预测其发作的近期标志物。



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