首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Digital Imaging >Visual Interpretation with Three-Dimensional Annotations (VITA): Three-Dimensional Image Interpretation Tool for Radiological Reporting

Visual Interpretation with Three-Dimensional Annotations (VITA): Three-Dimensional Image Interpretation Tool for Radiological Reporting




This paper introduces a software framework called Visual Interpretation with Three-Dimensional Annotations (VITA) that is able to automatically generate three-dimensional (3D) visual summaries based on radiological annotations made during routine exam reporting. VITA summaries are in the form of rotating 3D volumes where radiological annotations are highlighted to place important clinical observations into a 3D context. The rendered volume is produced as a Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) object and is automatically added to the study for archival in Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS). In addition, a video summary (e.g., MPEG4) can be generated for sharing with patients and for situations where DICOM viewers are not readily available to referring physicians. The current version of VITA is compatible with ClearCanvas; however, VITA can work with any PACS workstation that has a structured annotation implementation (e.g., Extendible Markup Language, Health Level 7, Annotation and Image Markup) and is able to seamlessly integrate into the existing reporting workflow. In a survey with referring physicians, the vast majority strongly agreed that 3D visual summaries improve the communication of the radiologists' reports and aid communication with patients.
机译:本文介绍了一种称为“带有三维注释的视觉解释”(VITA)的软件框架,该软件框架可以根据常规检查报告过程中产生的放射学注释自动生成三维(3D)视觉摘要。 VITA摘要采用旋转3D体的形式,其中突出显示了放射学注释,以将重要的临床观察结果置于3D环境中。渲染的体积将作为医学数字成像和通信(DICOM)对象生成,并自动添加到研究中,以在“图片归档和通信系统”(PACS)中进行归档。另外,可以生成视频摘要(例如,MPEG4)以与患者共享以及在DICOM观看者不容易获得转诊医生的情况下。当前版本的VITA与ClearCanvas兼容。但是,VITA可以与任何具有结构化注释实现(例如,可扩展标记语言,运行状况级别7,注释和图像标记)的PACS工作站一起使用,并且能够无缝集成到现有报告工作流程中。在对转诊医生的调查中,绝大多数人强烈同意3D视觉摘要可以改善放射科医生报告的交流,并有助于与患者的交流。



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