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Common object request broker architecture (CORBA)-based security services for the Virtual Radiology Environment




The US Army Great Plains Regional Medical Command (GPRMC) has a requirement to conform to Department of Defense (DoD) and Army security policies for the Virtual Radiology Environment (VRE) Project. Within the DoD, security policy is defined as the set of laws, rules, and practices that regulate how an organization manages, protects, and distributes sensitive information. Security policy in the DoD is described by the Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria (TCSEC), Army Regulation (AR) 380-19, Defense Information Infrastructure Common Operating Environment (DII COE), Military Health Services System Automated Information Systems Security Policy Manual, and National Computer Security Center-TG-005, “Trusted Network Interpretation.” These documents were used to develop a security policy that defines information protection requirements that are made with respect to those laws, rules, and practices that are required to protect the information stored and processed in the VREProject. The goal of the security policy is to provide, for a C2-level of information protection while also satisfying the functional needs of the GPRMC’s user community. This report summarizes the security policy for the VRE and defines the CORBA security services that satisfy the policy. In the VRE, the information to be protected is embedded into three major information components: (1) Patient information consists of Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM)-formatted fields. The patients information resides in the digital imaging network picture archiving and communication system (DIN-PACS) networks in the database archive systems and includes (a) patient demographics; (b) patient images from x-ray, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and ultrasound (US); and (c) prior patient images and related patient history. (2) Meta-Manager information to be protected consists of several data objects. This information is distributed to the Meta-Manager nodes and includes (a) radiologist schedules; (b) modality worklists; (c) routed case information; (d) DIN-PACS and Composite Health Care system (CHCS), messages, and Meta-Manager administrative and security information; and (e) patient case information. (3) Access control and communications security is required in the VRE to control who uses the VRE and Meta-Manager facilities and to secure the messages between VRE components. The CORBA Security Service Specification version 1.5 is designed to allow up to TCSEC’s B2-level security for distributed objects. The CORBA Security Service Specification defines the functionality of several security features: identification and authentication, authorization and access control, security auditing, communication security, nonrepudiation, and security administration. This report describes the enhanced security features for the VRE and their implementation using commercial CORBA Security Service software products.
机译:美国陆军大平原地区医疗司令部(GPRMC)要求遵守美国国防部(DoD)和虚拟放射环境(VRE)项目的陆军安全政策。在国防部内,安全策略定义为一组法律,规则和惯例,用于规范组织如何管理,保护和分发敏感信息。国防部中的安全策略由可信计算机系统评估标准(TCSEC),陆军法规(AR)380-19,国防信息基础设施通用操作环境(DII COE),《军事卫生服务系统自动信息系统安全策略手册》和国家计算机安全中心-TG-005,“受信任的网络解释”。这些文档用于制定安全策略,该策略定义了有关保护VREProject中存储和处理的信息所需的法律,规则和实践的信息保护要求。安全策略的目标是提供C2级的信息保护,同时还满足GPRMC用户社区的功能需求。该报告总结了VRE的安全策略,并定义了满足该策略的CORBA安全服务。在VRE中,要保护的信息被嵌入三个主要信息组件中:(1)患者信息由数字成像和医学通信(DICOM)格式的字段组成。患者信息驻留在数据库存档系统中的数字成像网络图片存档和通信系统(DIN-PACS)网络中,并且包括(a)患者人口统计信息; (b)来自X射线,计算机断层扫描(CT),磁共振成像(MRI)和超声(US)的患者图像; (c)先前的患者图像和相关的患者历史记录。 (2)要保护的Meta-Manager信息由几个数据对象组成。该信息被分发到Meta-Manager节点,并且包括(a)放射科医生时间表; (b)模态工作清单; (c)传递案件信息; (d)DIN-PACS和复合健康护理系统(CHCS),消息以及Meta-Manager管理和安全信息; (e)患者病例信息。 (3)VRE中需要访问控制和通信安全性,以控制谁使用VRE和Meta-Manager功能并保护VRE组件之间的消息。 CORBA安全服务规范1.5版旨在为分布式对象提供最高TCSEC的B2级安全性。 CORBA安全服务规范定义了几个安全功能的功能:标识和认证,授权和访问控制,安全审核,通信安全,不可否认性和安全管理。本报告介绍了VRE的增强安全功能及其使用商业CORBA安全服务软件产品的实施。



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