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Markov State Model Reveals Folding and Functional Dynamics in Ultra-Long MD Trajectories




Two strategies have been recently employed to push molecular simulation to long, biologically relevant timescales: projection-based analysis of results from specialized hardware producing a small number of ultra-long trajectories and the statistical interpretation of massive parallel sampling performed with Markov state models (MSMs). Here, we assess the MSM as an analysis method by constructing a Markov model from ultra-long trajectories, specifically two previously reported 100 μs trajectories of the FiP35 WW domain (Shaw et. al. (2010) Science, 330: 341–346). We find that the MSM approach yields novel insights. It discovers new statistically significant folding pathways, in which either beta-hairpin of the WW domain can form first. The rates of this process approach experimental values in a direct quantitative comparison (timescales of 5.0 μs and 100 ns), within a factor of ~2. Finally, the hub-like topology of the MSM and identification of a holo conformation predicts how WW domains may function through a conformational selection mechanism.



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