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Constructing Profiles of Religious Agreement and Disagreement Between Adolescents and Mothers: A Research Note




This research note describes the use of latent class analysis to examine how three dimensions of religiosity—the importance of religion (religious salience), attendance at religious services, and frequency of prayer—cluster together to form unique profiles. Building upon recent research identifying different profiles of religiosity at the level of the individual, we used data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health to identify dyadic profiles of religious concordance or discordance between 14,202 adolescents and their mothers. We identified five profiles: one concordant (27% of sample), two discordant (25% of sample), and two of mixed concordance/discordance (49%). The profiles distinguish between various levels of adolescent/mother relations, suggesting that they may represent distinct family dynamics. They also distinguish between several variables (race, adolescent age, geographical region) in predictable ways, providing additional demonstration of the categories’ meaningfulness.
机译:本研究说明介绍了潜在阶级分析的使用,研究宗教的三维维度 - 宗教(宗教推动力),宗教服务的重要性,以及祷告群的频率在一起形成独特的概况。建立最近的研究,识别个人宗教的不同曲线,我们使用来自青少年健康国家纵向研究的数据,以识别宗教一致性的二元概况或14,202名青少年和母亲之间的义务。我们确定了五种型材:一个协调(27%的样本),两种不和谐(25%的样品),两种混合的一致性/不等调(49%)。概况区分各种水平的青少年/母关系,表明它们可以代表不同的家庭动态。它们还以可预测的方式区分多个变量(种族,青少年,地理区域),提供额外的类别的含义的展示。



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