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Transcriptomic Analysis of Circulating Leukocytes Reveals Novel Aspects of the Host Systemic Inflammatory Response to Sheep Scab Mites




Infestation of ovine skin with the ectoparasitic mite Psoroptes ovis results in the development of a rapid cutaneous inflammatory response, leading to the crusted skin lesions characteristic of sheep scab. To facilitate the identification of novel diagnostic and therapeutic targets, a better understanding of the host-parasite relationship in sheep scab is essential. Although our knowledge of the host's local cutaneous inflammatory response to sheep scab has increased in recent years, we still know relatively little about the mechanisms of this response at the systemic level. This study used a combined network and pathway analysis of the in vivo transcriptomic response of circulating leukocytes to infestation with P. ovis, during a 6 week period. Network graph analysis identified six temporally-associated gene clusters, which separated into two distinct sub-networks within the graph, representing those genes either up or down-regulated during the time course. Functional and pathway analysis of these clusters identified novel insights into the host systemic response to P. ovis infestation, including roles for the complement system, clotting cascade and fibrinolysis. These analyses also highlighted potential mechanisms by which the systemic immune response to sheep scab can influence local tissue responses via enhanced leukocyte activation and extravasation. By analysing the transcriptomic responses of circulating leukocytes in sheep following infestation with P. ovis, this study has provided key insights into the inflammatory response to infestation and has also demonstrated the utility of these cells as a proxy of events occurring at local tissue sites, providing insight into the mechanisms by which a local allergen-induced inflammatory response may be controlled.
机译:Psoroptes ovis引起的外寄生螨侵染绵羊皮肤会导致快速的皮肤炎症反应,导致绵羊结sc的皮肤结characteristic。为了促进新的诊断和治疗靶标的识别,必须更好地了解绵羊结-中宿主与寄生虫之间的关系。尽管近年来我们对宿主对绵羊sc疮的局部皮肤炎性反应的了解有所增加,但我们对这种反应的机制在系统水平上仍然知之甚少。这项研究对循环白细胞在6周内对卵圆形假单胞菌(P. ovis)的体内转录组反应进行了网络和路径综合分析。网络图分析确定了六个与时间相关的基因簇,这些基因簇在图中分为两个不同的子网络,代表了在时间过程中上调或下调的那些基因。这些簇的功能和途径分析确定了对宿主系统对卵圆孢子虫感染的系统性反应的新见解,包括补体系统,凝血级联和纤溶作用。这些分析还强调了潜在的机制,通过该机制,针对绵羊sc的全身免疫反应可通过增强的白细胞激活和外渗影响局部组织反应。通过分析绵羊恶性疟原虫侵染后绵羊循环中白细胞的转录组反应,这项研究提供了对侵袭性炎症反应的关键见解,还证明了这些细胞可作为局部组织部位发生事件的代理,从而提供深入了解可控制局部变应原诱导的炎症反应的机制。



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