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Role of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Cerebrospinal Fluid and Electroencephalogram in Diagnosis of Sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease

机译:磁共振成像脑脊液和脑电图诊断零铬克雷斯特尔特 - 雅各布疾病的作用



Sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (sCJD) is a rapidly progressive dementia (RPD) that can be difficult to identify ante-mortem, with definitive diagnosis requiring tissue confirmation. We describe the clinical, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), and electroencephalogram (EEG) measures of a small cohort of 30 patients evaluated for RPD. Clinical and diagnostic measures were cross-sectionally obtained from 17 sCJD patients (15 definite, 2 probable), 13 non-prion rapidly progressive dementia patients (npRPD), and 18 unimpaired controls. In a subset of patients (9 sCJD and 9 npRPD) diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) measures [fractional anisotropy (FA), mean diffusivity (MD), axial diffusivity (AD), and radial diffusivity (RD)] were also obtained for the caudate, corpus callosum, posterior limb of the internal capsule, pulvinar, precuneus, and frontal lobe. Differences among groups were assessed by an analysis of variance. Compared to npRPD individuals, sCJD patients had cerebellar dysfunction, significantly higher CSF tau, “positive” CSF 14-3-3, and hyperintensities on diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) that met previously established imaging criteria for sCJD. EEG changes were similar for the two groups. In addition, sCJD patients had significant decreases in DTI measures (MD, AD, RD but not FA) within the caudate and pulvinar compared to either npRPD patients or unimpaired controls. Our results confirm that CSF abnormalities and MRI (especially DWI) can assist in distinguishing sCJD patients from npRPD patients. Future longitudinal studies using multiple measures (including CSF and MRI) are needed for evaluating pathological changes seen in sCJD patients.
机译:偶发性Creutzfeldt-Jakob病(sCJD)是一种快速进行性痴呆(RPD),可能难以确定死前,而明确的诊断则需要组织确认。我们描述了30名接受RPD评估的患者队列的临床,磁共振成像(MRI),脑脊液(CSF)和脑电图(EEG)测量。从17例sCJD患者(15例确定的患者,2例可能的患者),13例非-病毒快速进展性痴呆患者(npRPD)和18例未受损对照中获得了临床和诊断措施。在一部分患者(9 sCJD和9 npRPD)中,还获得了扩散张量成像(DTI)的测量值[分数各向异性(FA),平均扩散率(MD),轴向扩散率(AD)和径向扩散率(RD)]。尾状,call体,内囊的后肢,肩突,前突和额叶。组间差异通过方差分析进行评估。与npRPD个体相比,sCJD患者患有小脑功能障碍,CSF tau明显较高,CSF 14-3-3为“阳性”,并且弥散加权成像(DWI)的高强度符合先前为sCJD制定的成像标准。两组的脑电图变化相似。此外,与npRPD患者或未受损的对照组相比,sCJD患者的尾状和and状部的DTI指标(MD,AD,RD而非FA)显着降低。我们的结果证实,CSF异常和MRI(尤其是DWI)可以帮助区分sCJD患者和npRPD患者。需要未来使用多种手段(包括CSF和MRI)的纵向研究来评估sCJD患者的病理变化。



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