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Conditioned Place Preference and Aversion for Music in a Virtual Reality Environment




The use of a virtual reality environment (VRE) enables behavioral scientists to create different spatial contexts in which human participants behave freely, while still confined to the laboratory. In this article, VRE was used to study conditioned place preference (CPP) and aversion (CPA). In Experiment 1, half of the participants were asked to visit a house for two min with consonant music and then they were asked to visit an alternate house with static noise for two min, whereas the remaining participants did the visits in reverse order. In Experiment 2, we used the same design as Experiment 1, except for replacing consonant music with dissonant music. After conditioning in both experiments, the participants were given a choice between spending time in the two houses. In Experiment 1, participants spent more time in the house associated with the consonant music, thus showing a CPP toward that house. In Experiment 2, participants spent less time in the house associated with the dissonant music, thus showing a CPA for that house. These results support VRE as a tool to extend research on CPP/CPA in humans.
机译:虚拟现实环境(VRE)的使用使行为科学家能够创建不同的空间环境,使人类参与者可以自由行为,同时仍局限于实验室。在本文中,VRE用于研究条件性位置偏好(CPP)和厌恶(CPA)。在实验1中,一半的参与者被要求用辅音来参观一所房子两分钟,然后他们被要求去参观一间带有静态噪声的另一所房子两分钟,而其余的参与者则以相反的顺序去参观。在实验2中,我们使用与实验1相同的设计,只是用谐音代替了谐音。经过两个实验的条件调整后,参与者可以选择在这两个房子里度过的时光。在实验1中,参与者将更多时间花在与辅音相关的房屋中,从而向房屋展示了CPP。在实验2中,参与者在与不和谐音乐相关的房屋中花费的时间更少,因此显示了该房屋的CPA。这些结果支持VRE作为扩展人类CPP / CPA研究的工具。



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