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One-trial Memory and Habit Contribute Independently to Matching-to-Sample Performance in Rhesus Monkeys (Macaca mulatta)

机译:一次试用记忆和习惯独立贡献在恒河猴(Macaca Mulatta)中匹配样本性能



Multiple memory systems often act together to generate behavior, preventing a simple one-to-one mapping between cognitive processes and performance in specific tests. Process dissociation procedures (PDPs) have been adopted in both humans and monkeys to quantify one-trial memory and habit, with the assumption that these two processes make independent contributions to performance. Violations of this independence assumption could produce artificial dissociations. Evidence for independence has been reported in humans, but similar tests have not been conducted with monkeys until now. In a within-subjects design using a matching-to-sample task, we manipulated one-trial memory strength and habit strength simultaneously. Memory delay intervals and encoding conditions affected one-trial memory scores without affecting habit scores. In contrast, biased reinforcement selectively changed habit scores but not one-trial memory scores. This behavioral double dissociation clearly shows that one-trial memory and habit can be manipulated independently, validating PDP as a valuable tool for cross-species studies of learning and memory and reinforcing the view that one-trial memory and habits are served by distinct brain systems.
机译:多个内存系统经常共同作用以生成行为,从而阻止了认知过程与特定测试中的表现之间的简单一对一映射。在人类和猴子中都采用过程解离程序(PDP)来量化一次试验的记忆和习惯,并假设这两个过程对性能有独立的贡献。违反此独立性假设可能会导致人为分离。关于人类独立性的证据已有报道,但迄今为止,尚未对猴子进行过类似的测试。在使用样本匹配任务的受试者内部设计中,我们同时操纵了一次试验的记忆强度和习惯强度。记忆延迟间隔和编码条件会影响一次试验记忆分数,而不会影响习惯分数。相反,有偏向的强化选择性地改变了习惯得分,但没有改变一次试验的记忆得分。这种行为上的双重分离清楚地表明,单人记忆和习惯可以独立操纵,从而验证了PDP作为跨物种学习和记忆研究的一种有价值的工具,并强化了单人记忆和习惯由不同的大脑系统服务的观点。 。



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