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Effective Clinical Supervision in Substance Use Disorder Treatment Programs and Counselor Job Performance




When mental health counselors have limited and/or inadequate training in substance use disorders (SUDs), effective clinical supervision (ECS) may advance their professional development. The purpose of the current study was to investigate whether ECS is related to the job performance of SUD counselors. Data were obtained in person via paper-and-pencil surveys from 392 matched SUD counselor-clinical supervisor dyads working in 27 SUD treatment organizations across the United States. ECS was rated by counselors and measured with five multi-item scales (i.e., sponsoring counselors’ careers, providing challenging assignments, role modeling, accepting/confirming counselors’ competence, overall supervisor task proficiency). Clinical supervisors rated counselors’ job performance, which was measured with two multi-item scales (i.e., task performance, performance within supervisory relationship). Using mixed-effects models, we found that most aspects of ECS are related to SUD counselor job performance. Thus, ECS may indeed enhance counselors’ task performance and performance within the supervisory relationship, and, as a consequence, offset limited formal SUD training.
机译:如果心理健康咨询员的药物使用障碍(SUD)培训有限和/或培训不足,那么有效的临床监督(ECS)可能会促进他们的专业发展。本研究的目的是调查ECS是否与SUD辅导员的工作表现有关。数据是通过纸笔调查从在美国27个SUD治疗组织中工作的392个相匹配的SUD辅导员-临床主管二人亲自获得的。 ECS受到辅导员的评分,并用五个多项目量表进行衡量(即,赞助辅导员的职业,提供具有挑战性的任务,树立榜样,接受/确认辅导员的能力,总体主管任务熟练程度)。临床主管对辅导员的工作绩效进行了评分,该绩效是通过两个多项目量表(即任务绩效,监督关系内的绩效)进行衡量的。使用混合效应模型,我们发现ECS的大多数方面都与SUD辅导员的工作表现有关。因此,ECS确实可以提高辅导员在监督关系中的任务绩效和绩效,从而抵消有限的正规SUD培训。



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