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Second Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation for Leukemia Relapsing after Myeloablative T Cell Depleted Transplants Does Not Prolong Survival




Patients with leukemia relapsing after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (SCT) have a dismal prognosis. A second SCT offers a further opportunity for cure, but has a high rate of treatment failure. To determine the utility of this option, we analyzed 59 consecutive patients relapsing after a myeloablative HLA-matched sibling T cell depleted SCT. Twenty five patients (13 relapsing within 6 months and 12 relapsing between 6 – 170 months after the first SCT) received a T-replete second SCT. Thirty-eight patients relapsing early had a shorter survival than the 21 patients relapsing later (median 96 vs 298 days, p = 0.0002). In patients relapsing early, the second SCT did not improve overall survival compared to patients receiving non-SCT treatments (median survival 109 vs 80 days, p = 0.41). In patients relapsing late, despite an early trend in favor of second SCT, overall survival was comparable for patients receiving a second SCT compared with patients not retransplanted (median survival 363.5 vs 162 days, p = 0.49). Disappointingly our results do not demonstrate an important survival benefit for a second T-replete allogeneic SCT to treat relapse following a T cell depleted SCT.
机译:异基因造血干细胞移植(SCT)后复发的白血病患者预后不良。第二个SCT提供了进一步的治愈机会,但治疗失败率很高。为了确定此选项的效用,我们分析了59例连续性复发的HLA匹配的同胞T细胞耗尽SCT后复发的患者。 25例患者(第一次SCT术后6个月内复发13例,第一次SCT术后6至170个月内12例复发)接受了第二次S-T切除。 38例早期复发的患者的生存期短于21例晚期复发的患者(中位96天与298天,p = 0.0002)。在早期复发的患者中,与未接受SCT治疗的患者相比,第二次SCT不能提高总体生存率(中位生存期109 vs 80天,p = 0.41)。在复发较晚的患者中,尽管早期倾向于使用第二次SCT的患者,接受第二次SCT的患者的总生存与未接受移植的患者相当(中位生存期363.5 vs 162天,p = 0.49)。令人失望的是,我们的研究结果并未显示出第二种T补充同种异体SCT治疗T细胞耗尽SCT后复发的重要生存益处。



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