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Flight Performance and Feather Quality: Paying the Price of Overlapping Moult and Breeding in a Tropical Highland Bird




A temporal separation of energetically costly life history events like reproduction and maintenance of the integumentary system is thought to be promoted by selection to avoid trade-offs and maximize fitness. It has therefore remained somewhat of a paradox that certain vertebrate species can undergo both events simultaneously. Identifying potential costs of overlapping two demanding life history stages will further our understanding of the selection pressures that shape the temporal regulation of life history events in vertebrates. We studied free-living tropical Slaty brush-finches (Atlapetes schistaceus), in which individuals spontaneously overlap reproduction and moult or undergo both events in separation. To assess possible costs of such an overlap we quantified feather quality and flight performance of individuals in different states. We determined individual’s life history state by measuring gonad size and scoring moult stage, and collected a newly grown 7th primary wing feather for later analysis of feather quality. Finally, we quantified flight performance for each individual in the wild. Overlapping individuals produced lighter and shorter wing feathers than individuals just moulting, with females decreasing feather quality more strongly during the overlap than males. Moreover, overlapping individuals had a reduced flight speed during escape flights, while their foraging flight speed was unaffected. Despite overlappers being larger and having a smaller wing area, their lower body mass resulted in a similar wing load as in breeders or moulters. Individuals measured repeatedly in different states also showed significant decreases in feather quality and escape flight speed during the overlap. Reduced escape flight speed may represent a major consequence of the overlap by increasing predation risk. Our data document costs to undergoing two life history stages simultaneously, which likely arise from energetic trade-offs. Impairments in individual quality and performance may represent important factors that select for temporal separation of life history stages in other species.
机译:人们认为,选择可以促进暂时耗费大量精力的生活史事件的发生,例如复制和维护外皮系统,从而避免权衡取舍并最大化适应性。因此,某些脊椎动物物种可能同时经历两个事件仍然有些悖论。确定重叠的两个苛刻的生命历史阶段的潜在成本,将使我们进一步了解选择压力,这些压力会塑造脊椎动物的生命历史事件的时间规律。我们研究了自由活动的热带板岩刷雀(Atlapetes schistaceus),其中个体自发地重叠繁殖并蜕皮或经历两种分离事件。为了评估这种重叠的可能成本,我们量化了不同状态下个体的羽毛质量和飞行性能。我们通过测量性腺的大小和计分换羽期来确定个体的生活史状态,并收集了新生长的第7羽初级翼羽,用于以后的羽毛质量分析。最后,我们量化了野外每个人的飞行表现。重叠的个体比只换羽的个体产生更轻,更短的翅膀羽毛,雌性在重叠过程中比雄性更强烈地降低羽毛质量。此外,重叠的个体在逃生飞行中的飞行速度降低,而他们的觅食飞行速度不受影响。尽管重叠物较大且机翼面积较小,但它们的较低体重导致繁殖者或换羽者产生相似的机翼负荷。在不同状态下反复测量的个体在重叠过程中也显示出羽毛质量和逃逸飞行速度的显着下降。降低逃逸飞行速度可能代表着重叠现象的主要后果,因为掠食风险增加了。我们的数据记录了同时经历两个生命历史阶段的成本,这可能是由于精力充沛的折衷所致。个体质量和性能的损害可能是选择其他物种的生活史阶段的时间间隔的重要因素。



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