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Alcohol and Other Drug Use in Middle School: The Interplay of Gender Peer Victimization and Supportive Social Relationships




The current study examined the impact of supportive social relationships (i.e., teacher support, adult support, school relatedness) and peer victimization on middle school students’ substance use. Over 3,000 middle school students reported on alcohol, cigarette, and marijuana use, supportive social relationships, and instances in which they were the victim of aggressive behavior. Mixed-effects logit regression analyses revealed complementary patterns of results across types of substances. Students who perceived high levels of social support were less likely to report alcohol and drug use initiation, particularly at low levels of peer victimization. Gender moderated the negative effect of peer victimization, with highly victimized boys most likely to report alcohol, cigarette, and marijuana use. Results indicated a complex interplay of social influences and moderating variables in predicting early onset alcohol and other drug use, one that researchers should consider when studying adolescents’ decisions to use alcohol and other drugs.
机译:当前的研究调查了支持性社会关系(即教师支持,成人支持,学校相关性)和同伴受害对中学生吸毒的影响。 3,000多名中学生报告了酗酒,吸烟和吸食大麻,支持性社会关系以及他们成为攻击行为受害者的情况。混合效应logit回归分析揭示了各种物质类型的结果的互补模式。感到社会支持水平高的学生不太可能报告酗酒和吸毒,特别是在同伴受害程度低的情况下。性别减轻了同伴受害的负面影响,受害最严重的男孩最有可能报告酗酒,吸烟和吸食大麻。结果表明,社会影响和调节变量之间的复杂相互作用在预测早期发作的酒精和其他药物的使用中是研究者在研究青少年决定使用酒精和其他药物时应考虑的因素。



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