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Evidence of market-driven size-selective fishing and the mediating effects of biological and institutional factors




Market demand is often ignored or assumed to lead uniformly to the decline of resources. Yet little is known about how market demand influences natural resources in particular contexts, or the mediating effects of biological or institutional factors. Here, we investigate this problem by examining the Pacific red snapper (Lutjanus peru) fishery around La Paz, Mexico, where medium or “plate-sized” fish are sold to restaurants at a premium price. If higher demand for plate-sized fish increases the relative abundance of the smallest (recruit size class) and largest (most fecund) fish, this may be a market mechanism to increase stocks and fishermen’s revenues. We tested this hypothesis by estimating the effect of prices on the distribution of catch across size classes using daily records of prices and catch. We linked predictions from this economic choice model to a staged-based model of the fishery to estimate the effects on the stock and revenues from harvest. We found that the supply of plate-sized fish increased by 6%, while the supply of large fish decreased by 4% as a result of a 13% price premium for plate-sized fish. This market-driven size selection increased revenues (14%) but decreased total fish biomass (−3%). However, when market-driven size selection was combined with limited institutional constraints, both fish biomass (28%) and fishermen’s revenue (22%) increased. These results show that the direction and magnitude of the effects of market demand on biological populations and human behavior can depend on both biological attributes and institutional constraints. Fisheries management may capitalize on these conditional effects by implementing size-based regulations when economic and institutional incentives will enhance compliance, as in the case we describe here, or by creating compliance enhancing conditions for existing regulations.
机译:市场需求经常被忽略或被认为统一导致资源下降。关于市场需求如何在特定情况下影响自然资源,或生物学或制度因素的中介作用,人们知之甚少。在这里,我们通过研究墨西哥拉巴斯附近的太平洋红鲷鱼(Lutjanus peru)渔业来研究这个问题,那里的中型或“盘状”鱼以高价出售给餐馆。如果对盘状鱼类的更高需求增加了最小(招聘人数类别)和最大(最大繁殖力)鱼类的相对丰度,则这可能是增加种群和渔民收入的市场机制。我们通过使用每日价格和渔获量记录估算价格对渔获量在不同规模类别中的分布的影响,从而检验了这一假设。我们将这种经济选择模型的预测与基于阶段的渔业模型相结合,以估计对捕捞量和收成的影响。我们发现,由于板形鱼的价格溢价13%,板鱼的供应量增加了6%,而大型鱼的供应量则下降了4%。这种以市场为导向的规模选择增加了收入(14%),但减少了鱼类总生物量(-3%)。但是,当市场驱动的规模选择与有限的机构限制相结合时,鱼类生物量(28%)和渔民收入(22%)均增加了。这些结果表明,市场需求对生物种群和人类行为的影响的方向和大小可以取决于生物学属性和制度约束。渔业管理可通过实施基于规模的法规来利用这些条件效应,此时经济和制度激励措施将增强法规遵从性(如我们在此所述),或通过为现有法规创建法规遵从性增强条件来实现。



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