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Analysis of Cannabis Seizures in NSW Australia: Cannabis Potency and Cannabinoid Profile




Recent analysis of the cannabinoid content of cannabis plants suggests a shift towards use of high potency plant material with high levels of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and low levels of other phytocannabinoids, particularly cannabidiol (CBD). Use of this type of cannabis is thought by some to predispose to greater adverse outcomes on mental health and fewer therapeutic benefits. Australia has one of the highest per capita rates of cannabis use in the world yet there has been no previous systematic analysis of the cannabis being used. In the present study we examined the cannabinoid content of 206 cannabis samples that had been confiscated by police from recreational users holding 15 g of cannabis or less, under the New South Wales “Cannabis Cautioning” scheme. A further 26 “Known Provenance” samples were analysed that had been seized by police from larger indoor or outdoor cultivation sites rather than from street level users. An HPLC method was used to determine the content of 9 cannabinoids: THC, CBD, cannabigerol (CBG), and their plant-based carboxylic acid precursors THC-A, CBD-A and CBG-A, as well as cannabichromene (CBC), cannabinol (CBN) and tetrahydrocannabivarin (THC-V). The “Cannabis Cautioning” samples showed high mean THC content (THC+THC-A = 14.88%) and low mean CBD content (CBD+CBD-A = 0.14%). A modest level of CBG was detected (CBG+CBG-A = 1.18%) and very low levels of CBC, CBN and THC-V (<0.1%). “Known Provenance” samples showed no significant differences in THC content between those seized from indoor versus outdoor cultivation sites. The present analysis echoes trends reported in other countries towards the use of high potency cannabis with very low CBD content. The implications for public health outcomes and harm reduction strategies are discussed.
机译:对大麻植物中大麻素含量的最新分析表明,人们正在转向使用高效植物材料,其中高水平的Δ 9 四氢大麻酚(THC)和低水平的其他植物大麻素,特别是大麻二酚(CBD)。一些人认为使用这种大麻容易导致精神健康方面的不良后果更大,而治疗效果却更差。澳大利亚是世界上人均使用大麻率最高的国家之一,但是以前没有对使用过的大麻进行系统的分析。在本研究中,我们调查了在新南威尔士州“大麻警告”计划下,警察从持有15克或更少大麻的娱乐用户没收的206大麻样品中的大麻素含量。对另外26个“已知来源”样本进行了分析,这些样本是警察从较大的室内或室外耕种地点而不是街头使用者处扣押的。 HPLC方法用于测定9种大麻素的含量:THC,CBD,大麻二酚(CBG)及其基于植物的羧酸前体THC-A,CBD-A和CBG-A以及大麻素(CBC),大麻酚(CBN)和四氢大麻酚(THC-V)。 “大麻警告”样本显示出较高的平均THC含量(THC + THC-A = 14.88%)和较低的平均CBD含量(CBD + CBD-A = 0.14%)。检测到适度的CBG水平(CBG + CBG-A = 1.18%)和非常低的CBC,CBN和THC-V水平(<0.1%)。 “已知来源”样品显示,从室内和室外种植场所缉获的THC含量之间没有显着差异。本分析与其他国家报告的使用CBD含量非常低的高效大麻的趋势相呼应。讨论了对公共卫生成果和减少危害战略的影响。



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