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Linking Pre-Diabetes with Benign Prostate Hyperplasia. IGFBP-3: A Conductor of Benign Prostate Hyperplasia Development Orchestra?

机译:将糖尿病前期与良性前列腺增生联系起来。 IGFBP-3:良性前列腺增生发展乐队的指挥?



Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) represents a pattern of non-malignant growth of prostatic fibromuscular stroma. Metabolic disturbances such us pre-diabetes and metabolic syndrome may have a role in BPH pathophysiology. A potential explanation for the above relationship involves the insulin-like growth factor (IGF) axis as well as IGF binding proteins, (IGFBPs) of which the most abundant form is IGFBP-3. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to investigate the association between intra-prostatic levels of IGF-1, IGF-2 as well as to evaluate the role of locally expressed IGFBP-3 in BPH development in pre-diabetes. A total of 49 patients admitted to the Urology department of a tertiary urban Greek hospital, for transurethral prostate resection, or prostatectomy and with pre-diabetes [impaired fasting glucose (IFG) and impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) or both] were finally included. The majority of the sample consisted of subjects with IGT (51.0%), followed by IFG and IGT (32.7%) and isolated IFG (16.3%). For all participants a clinical examination was performed and blood samples were collected. In addition, total prostate (TP) volume or transitional zone (TZ) volume were estimated by transrectal ultrasonography. The results of the multivariate analysis regarding TP volume showed that higher PSA (p<0.001), larger waist circumference (p=0.007) and higher IGFBP-3 expression levels (p<0.001) independently predicted higher TP volume. The results regarding the volume of the TZ showed that higher PSA (p<0.001), larger waist circumference (p<0.001) and higher IGFBP-3 expression levels (p=0.024) were independently associated with higher TZ volume. Our findings show that intra-prostatic levels of IGFBP-3, PSA and waist circumference, but not overall obesity, are positively associated with prostate volume. IGFBP-3 seems to be a multifunctional protein, which can potentiate or inhibit IGF activity.
机译:良性前列腺增生(BPH)代表前列腺纤维肌基质非恶性生长的模式。诸如糖尿病前期和代谢综合征等代谢紊乱可能在BPH病理生理学中起作用。上述关系的潜在解释涉及胰岛素样生长因子(IGF)轴以及IGF结合蛋白(IGFBPs),其中最丰富的形式是IGFBP-3。因此,本研究的目的是研究前列腺内IGF-1,IGF-2水平之间的关联,并评估局部表达的IGFBP-3在糖尿病前期BPH发育中的作用。最终纳入了总共49例入院的希腊第三级医院的泌尿科,因经尿道前列腺切除术或前列腺切除术而患有糖尿病前期患者[空腹血糖(IFG)和葡萄糖耐量受损(IGT)或两者兼有]。大部分样本由IGT(51.0%),IFG和IGT(32.7%)和孤立的IFG(16.3%)组成。对所有参与者进行了临床检查并收集了血液样本。另外,通过经直肠超声检查估计总前列腺(TP)体积或过渡区(TZ)体积。关于TP量的多变量分析结果表明,较高的PSA(p <0.001),较大的腰围(p = 0.007)和较高的IGFBP-3表达水平(p <0.001)独立预测较高的TP量。有关TZ体积的结果表明,较高的PSA(p <0.001),较大的腰围(p <0.001)和较高的IGFBP-3表达水平(p = 0.024)与较高的TZ体积相关。我们的研究结果表明,IGFBP-3,PSA和腰围的前列腺内水平(而不是总体肥胖)与前列腺体积呈正相关。 IGFBP-3似乎是一种多功能蛋白,可以增强或抑制IGF活性。



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