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Intraspecific Differences in Lipid Content of Calanoid Copepods across Fine-Scale Depth Ranges within the Photic Layer




Copepods are among the most abundant and diverse groups of mesozooplankton in the world's oceans. Each species has a certain depth range within which different individuals (of the same life stage and sex) are found. Lipids are accumulated in many calanoid copepods for energy storage and reproduction. Lipid content in some species increases with depth, however studies so far focused mostly on temperate and high-latitude seasonal vertically migrating copepods and compared lipid contents among individuals either from coarse layers or between diapausing, deep-dwelling copepods and individuals found in the photic, near-surface layer. Here we examined whether lipid contents of individual calanoid copepods of the same species, life stage/sex differ between finer depth layers within the upper water column of subtropical and Arctic seas. A total of 6 calanoid species were collected from samples taken at precise depths within the photic layer in both cold eutrophic and warm oligotrophic environments using SCUBA diving, MOCNESS and Multinet. Measurements of lipid content were obtained from digitized photographs of the collected individuals. The results revealed significant differences in lipid content across depth differences as small as 12–15 meters for Mecynocera clausi C5 and Ctenocalanus vanus C5 (Red Sea), Clausocalanus furcatus males and two clausocalanid C5s (Mediterranean Sea), and Calanus glacialis C5 (Arctic). We suggest two possible explanations for the differences in lipid content with depth on such a fine scale: predator avoidance and buoyancy.
机译:pe足类是世界海洋中中生浮游动物中数量最多,种类最多的群体。每个物种都有一定的深度范围,可以在其中找到不同的个体(具有相同的生命阶段和性别)。脂质聚集在许多cal足类足纲动物中,用于能量存储和繁殖。某些物种的脂质含量随深度增加而增加,但是到目前为止,研究主要集中在温带和高纬度季节性垂直迁移的pe足类动物,并比较了粗糙层或滞育,深居的co足类动物与在光合作用,近地表层。在这里,我们检查了亚热带和北极海上水柱内较细深度层之间相同物种,生命阶段/性别的单个cal足足足类动物的脂质含量是否存在差异。使用SCUBA潜水,MOCNESS和Multinet,在寒冷富营养和温暖贫营养环境下,在光层内精确深度采集的样品中总共收集了6种类钙烷。脂质含量的测量是从收集到的个体的数字化照片中获得的。结果显示,在深度差异小至12–15米的情况下,红巨蟹Mecynocera clausi C5和Ctenocalanus vanus C5(公海),长毛克劳萨古兰(Clausocalanus furcatus)雄性和两个clausocalanid C5(地中海)和冰alan C5(北极)的脂质含量存在显着差异。对于如此细小的脂质含量随深度的差异,我们提出两种可能的解释:避免捕食和浮力。



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