首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>other >Effects of Exposure to Intermittent versus Continuous Red Light on Human Circadian Rhythms Melatonin Suppression and Pupillary Constriction

Effects of Exposure to Intermittent versus Continuous Red Light on Human Circadian Rhythms Melatonin Suppression and Pupillary Constriction




Exposure to light is a major determinant of sleep timing and hormonal rhythms. The role of retinal cones in regulating circadian physiology remains unclear, however, as most studies have used light exposures that also activate the photopigment melanopsin. Here, we tested the hypothesis that exposure to alternating red light and darkness can enhance circadian resetting responses in humans by repeatedly activating cone photoreceptors. In a between-subjects study, healthy volunteers (n = 24, 21–28 yr) lived individually in a laboratory for 6 consecutive days. Circadian rhythms of melatonin, cortisol, body temperature, and heart rate were assessed before and after exposure to 6 h of continuous red light (631 nm, 13 log photons cm−2 s−1), intermittent red light (1 min on/off), or bright white light (2,500 lux) near the onset of nocturnal melatonin secretion (n = 8 in each group). Melatonin suppression and pupillary constriction were also assessed during light exposure. We found that circadian resetting responses were similar for exposure to continuous versus intermittent red light (P = 0.69), with an average phase delay shift of almost an hour. Surprisingly, 2 subjects who were exposed to red light exhibited circadian responses similar in magnitude to those who were exposed to bright white light. Red light also elicited prolonged pupillary constriction, but did not suppress melatonin levels. These findings suggest that, for red light stimuli outside the range of sensitivity for melanopsin, cone photoreceptors can mediate circadian phase resetting of physiologic rhythms in some individuals. Our results also show that sensitivity thresholds differ across non-visual light responses, suggesting that cones may contribute differentially to circadian resetting, melatonin suppression, and the pupillary light reflex during exposure to continuous light.
机译:曝光是决定睡眠时间和荷尔蒙节律的主要因素。视网膜视锥细胞在调节昼夜生理中的作用尚不清楚,但是,由于大多数研究都使用了也会激活色素沉着的黑色素的曝光。在这里,我们测试了这样一个假设:暴露于交替的红光和暗处可以通过反复激活视锥感光器来增强人类的昼夜节律复位反应。在一项受试者之间的研究中,健康志愿者(n = 24,21-28岁)连续在实验室中单独生活了6天。暴露于连续红色光(631 nm,13 log光子cm −2 s -1 < / sup>),夜间褪黑激素分泌开始附近出现间歇性红光(开/关1分钟)或明亮白光(2,500 lux)(每组n = 8)。褪黑素抑制和瞳孔收缩也进行了评估。我们发现,连续或间歇性红光照射引起的昼夜节律复位响应相似(P = 0.69),平均相位延迟偏移将近一个小时。令人惊讶地,暴露于红光的2名受试者的昼夜节律反应的强度与暴露于亮白光的受试者的昼夜节律的响应相似。红灯还引起瞳孔收缩时间延长,但并未抑制褪黑激素水平。这些发现表明,对于在对黑视蛋白敏感的范围之外的红光刺激,视锥细胞感光细胞可以介导某些个体的生理节律的昼夜节律复位。我们的研究结果还表明,在非可见光响应中,灵敏度阈值有所不同,这表明视锥细胞可能在暴露于连续光期间对昼夜节律复位,褪黑激素抑制和瞳孔反射产生不同的影响。



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