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Calculating Kolmogorov Complexity from the Output Frequency Distributions of Small Turing Machines




Drawing on various notions from theoretical computer science, we present a novel numerical approach, motivated by the notion of algorithmic probability, to the problem of approximating the Kolmogorov-Chaitin complexity of short strings. The method is an alternative to the traditional lossless compression algorithms, which it may complement, the two being serviceable for different string lengths. We provide a thorough analysis for all binary strings of length and for most strings of length by running all Turing machines with 5 states and 2 symbols ( with reduction techniques) using the most standard formalism of Turing machines, used in for example the Busy Beaver problem. We address the question of stability and error estimation, the sensitivity of the continued application of the method for wider coverage and better accuracy, and provide statistical evidence suggesting robustness. As with compression algorithms, this work promises to deliver a range of applications, and to provide insight into the question of complexity calculation of finite (and short) strings.Additional material can be found at the Algorithmic Nature Group website at . An Online Algorithmic Complexity Calculator implementing this technique and making the data available to the research community is accessible at .
机译:借鉴理论计算机科学中的各种概念,我们提出了一种新颖的数值方法,该方法受算法概率概念的启发,用于解决短字符串的Kolmogorov-Chaitin复杂度问题。该方法是对传统无损压缩算法的一种替代,可以对其进行补充,两者可用于不同的字符串长度。我们通过使用最标准的图灵机形式化来运行所有具有5种状态和2个符号的图灵机(使用归约技术),来对所有二进制长度的字符串和大多数长度的字符串进行彻底的分析,例如在Busy Beaver问题中使用。我们解决了稳定性和误差估计,继续使用该方法以实现更广泛的覆盖范围和更好的准确性的敏感性问题,并提供了表明鲁棒性的统计证据。与压缩算法一样,这项工作有望提供一系列应用程序,并提供对有限(和短)字符串的复杂度计算问题的见解。其他材料可以在Algorithmic Nature Group网站上找到。可通过访问在线算法复杂度计算器,以实现该技术并使数据可供研究团体使用。



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