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Changes in the sexual behavior and testosterone levels of male rats in response to daily interactions with estrus females




Male rat sexual behavior has been intensively studied over the past 100 years, but few studies have examined how sexual behavior changes over the course of several days of interactions. In this experiment, adult male rats (n = 12) were given daily access to estrus females for 30 min per day for 15 consecutive days and control males did not interact with females. Ovariectomized females were induced into estrus with hormonal injections, and males interacted with a different female each day. The amount of sexual activity (mounts, intromissions, and ejaculations) was found to cycle with a period of approximately 4 days in most male rats. Additionally, blood was collected every other day following sexual interactions to assess serum testosterone levels. Testosterone was found to peak on the first day of interaction and then fell back to near the level of control rats that did not interact with females. Following the initial peak, testosterone concentrations fluctuated less in males exposed to females than in controls. Sexual activity was not found to predict testosterone concentration. We conclude that when male rats have daily sexual interactions, sexual behavior tends to show cyclic changes and testosterone is significantly elevated only on the first day of interactions.
机译:在过去的100年中,对雄性大鼠的性行为进行了深入的研究,但是很少有研究检查在几天的互动过程中性行为是如何变化的。在该实验中,成年雄性大鼠(n = 12)每天连续30天每天接触发情雌性,持续15天,每天30分钟,而对照组雄性则不与雌性互动。切除卵巢的雌性通过荷尔蒙注射诱导进入发情期,雄性每天与不同的雌性互动。在大多数雄性大鼠中,发现性活动量(坐骑,内射和射精)的周期约为4天。此外,性交后每隔一天收集一次血液,以评估血清睾丸激素水平。发现睾丸激素在相互作用的第一天达到峰值,然后回落到与雌性不相互作用的对照大鼠的水平附近。在最初的峰值之后,暴露于雌性的雄性中的睾丸激素浓度波动要比对照中的小。未发现性活动可预测睾丸激素的浓度。我们得出的结论是,当雄性大鼠每天进行性交时,性行为往往表现出周期性变化,而睾丸激素仅在交往的第一天才显着升高。



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