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Inflectional and derivational morphological spelling abilities of children with Specific Language Impairment




Children with Specific Language Impairment (SLI) are known to have difficulties with spelling but the factors that underpin these difficulties, are a matter of debate. The present study investigated the impact of oral language and literacy on the bound morpheme spelling abilities of children with SLI. Thirty-three children with SLI (9–10 years) and two control groups, one matched for chronological age (CA) and one for language and spelling age (LA) (aged 6–8 years) were given dictated spelling tasks of 24 words containing inflectional morphemes and 18 words containing derivational morphemes. There were no significant differences between the SLI group and their LA matches in accuracy or error patterns for inflectional morphemes. By contrast when spelling derivational morphemes the SLI group was less accurate and made proportionately more omissions and phonologically implausible errors than both control groups. Spelling accuracy was associated with phonological awareness and reading; reading performance significantly predicted the ability to spell both inflectional and derivational morphemes. The particular difficulties experienced by the children with SLI for derivational morphemes are considered in relation to reading and oral language.
机译:已知患有特殊语言障碍(SLI)的儿童在拼写方面有困难,但是支撑这些困难的因素尚有争议。本研究调查了口语和读写能力对SLI儿童绑定语素拼写能力的影响。 33名SLI儿童(9-10岁)和两个对照组,一个按时间顺序(CA)配对,一个按语言和拼写年龄(LA)(6-8岁)配对,被要求执行24个单词的拼写任务包含变形词素和18个​​包含衍生词素的词。 SLI组与他们的LA匹配在拐点语素的准确性或错误模式上没有显着差异。相比之下,拼写派生语素时,SLI组的准确性较差,与两个对照组相比,SLI组的省略和语音上的错误更成比例。拼写准确性与语音意识和阅读能力有关;阅读能力显着预测了拼写屈折语素和衍生语素的能力。 SLI儿童在衍生词素方面遇到的特殊困难被认为与阅读和口语有关。



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