Public and private purchasersmust create a 'burning bridge' '/> Emerging Lessons From Regional and State Innovation in Value-Based Payment Reform: Balancing Collaboration and Disruptive Innovation
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Emerging Lessons From Regional and State Innovation in Value-Based Payment Reform: Balancing Collaboration and Disruptive Innovation




Policy Points: class="unordered" style="list-style-type:disc">Public and private purchasersmust create a "burning bridge" of countervailing pressure that signals "no turning back" to fee-for-service in order to sustain the momentum for value-based payment.Multi-stakeholder coalitions must establish a defined set of quality, outcomes, and cost performance measures and the interoperable information systems to support data collection and reporting of value-based payment schemes.Anti-trust vigilance is necessary to find the "sweet spot" of competition and cooperation among health plans and health care providers.Provider and health plan transparency of price and quality, supported by all-payer claims data, are critical in driving value-based payment innovation and cost constraint.ContextIn recent decades, practitioners and policymakers have turned to value-based payment initiatives to help contain spending on health care and to improve the quality of care. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation funded 7 grantees across the country to design and implement value-based, multistakeholder payment reform projects in 6 states and 3 regions of the United States.
机译:策略点: class =“ unordered” style =“ list-style-type:disc”> <!-list-behavior = unordered prefix-word = mark-type = disc max-label-size = 0-> 公共购买者和私人购买者必须建立起反补贴压力的“燃烧桥”,以向服务收费发出“不回头”的信号,以维持基于价值的支付动力。 利益相关者联盟必须建立一套已定义的质量,成果和成本绩效指标以及可互操作的信息系统,以支持数据收集和基于价值的支付方案的报告。 必须采取反托拉斯警惕性,保健计划与保健提供者之间竞争与合作的“最佳地点”。 提供者和保健计划的价格和质量透明性(由全付款人索赔数据支持)对于推动基于价值的支付创新至关重要和成本约束。 背景近几十年来,从业者和决策者已转向基于价值的支付方式旨在帮助控制医疗保健支出并提高护理质量的措施。罗伯特·伍德·约翰逊基金会(Robert Wood Johnson Foundation)在全国范围内资助了7名受赠人,在美国6个州和3个地区设计和实施基于价值的,多利益相关方的支付改革项目。



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