首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases >Prevalence of Trypanosoma cruzi Infection among People Aged 15 to 89 Years Inhabiting the Department of Casanare (Colombia)

Prevalence of Trypanosoma cruzi Infection among People Aged 15 to 89 Years Inhabiting the Department of Casanare (Colombia)




The purpose of this study was to calculate the seroprevalence of Trypanosoma cruzi infection in a sample of inhabitants from a region considered to be at high risk of natural transmission of Chagas disease in Colombia. A cross-sectional study was conducted in subjects from 5 municipalities, recruited in urban and rural locations, distributed by gender according to the demographic information available. Socio-demographic information, history of potential exposure to insect vectors, blood donating, as well as symptoms suggesting cardiac disease were collected using a questionnaire. After giving written informed consent, blood specimens were obtained from 486 people to determine the serologic evidence of past exposure to T. cruzi. Infection was diagnosed when two different tests (ELISA and IHA) were positive. The seroprevalence of antibodies against T. cruzi was 16.91% considering an estimated population of 44,355 aged between 15 and 89 years (95%IC: 13.72 to 20.01). The factors significantly associated with the infection were: 1- Housing materials like vegetable material, adobe or unfinished brick walls; 2- The fact of having previous tests for Chagas disease (regardless of the result). Of note, the mean ages among infected and not infected participants were significantly different (49.19 vs. 41.66, p≤0.0001). Among the studied municipalities, the one with the highest frequency of T. cruzi infection was Nunchia, with 31.15% of the surveyed subjects. Therefore it may be concluded that T. cruzi infection is highly prevalent in the north region of Casanare, in Colombia.
机译:这项研究的目的是计算哥伦比亚地区恰加斯病的自然传播高风险地区居民样本中的锥虫锥虫感染的血清流行率。在城市和农村地区招募的5个城市的受试者中进行了横断面研究,根据可用的人口统计信息按性别分布。使用调查表收集了社会人口统计学信息,可能接触昆虫媒介的历史,献血以及表明心脏病的症状。给予书面知情同意后,从486人中获取了血液样本,以确定过去曾接触过T. cruzi的血清学证据。当两种不同的检测(ELISA和IHA)为阳性时,诊断出感染。考虑到估计年龄在15至89岁之间的44355人(95%IC:13.72至20.01),因此针对克鲁氏锥虫的抗体的血清阳性率为16.91%。与感染明显相关的因素有:1-房屋材料,例如蔬菜,土坯或未完成的砖墙; 2-有以前检查过南美锥虫病的事实(与结果无关)。值得注意的是,感染者和未感染者的平均年龄差异显着(49.19 vs. 41.66,p≤0.0001)。在所研究的城市中,克氏锥虫感染频率最高的城市是努奇亚,占被调查者的31.15%。因此,可以得出结论,在哥伦比亚卡萨纳雷的北部地区,克氏锥虫感染非常普遍。



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