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Improved Climate Risk Simulations for Rice in Arid Environments




We integrated recent research on cardinal temperatures for phenology and early leaf growth, spikelet formation, early morning flowering, transpirational cooling, and heat- and cold-induced sterility into an existing to crop growth model ORYZA2000. We compared for an arid environment observed potential yields with yields simulated with default ORYZA2000, with modified subversions of ORYZA2000 and with ORYZA_S, a model developed for the region of interest in the 1990s. Rice variety ‘IR64’ was sown monthly 15-times in a row in two locations in Senegal. The Senegal River Valley is located in the Sahel, near the Sahara desert with extreme temperatures during day and night. The existing subroutines underestimated cold stress and overestimated heat stress. Forcing the model to use observed spikelet number and phenology and replacing the existing heat and cold subroutines improved accuracy of yield simulation from EF = −0.32 to EF =0.70 (EF is modelling efficiency). The main causes of improved accuracy were that the new model subversions take into account transpirational cooling (which is high in arid environments) and early morning flowering for heat sterility, and minimum rather than average temperature for cold sterility. Simulations were less accurate when also spikelet number and phenology were simulated. Model efficiency was 0.14 with new heat and cold routines and improved to 0.48 when using new cardinal temperatures for phenology and early leaf growth. The new adapted subversion of ORYZA2000 offers a powerful analytic tool for climate change impact assessment and cropping calendar optimisation in arid regions.
机译:我们将有关物候和早期叶片生长,小穗形成,清晨开花,蒸腾冷却以及热和冷诱导的不育的基本温度的最新研究整合到了现有的作物生长模型ORYZA2000中。我们在干旱的环境中观察到的潜在产量与默认ORYZA2000,修改后的ORYZA2000子版本和ORYZA_S(在1990年代针对感兴趣区域开发的模型)模拟的产量进行了比较。在塞内加尔的两个地方,水稻品种“ IR64”每月连续播种15次。塞内加尔河谷位于萨赫勒地区,在撒哈拉沙漠附近,白天和黑夜温度都很高。现有的子例程低估了冷应力,而高估了热应力。强制模型使用观察到的小穗数量和物候学,并替换现有的热和冷子例程,可以提高产量模拟的准确性,从EF = -0.32到EF = 0.70(EF是建模效率)。精度提高的主要原因是,新的模型颠覆考虑了蒸腾冷却(在干旱环境中较高)和清晨开花以实现热不育,而将最低而不是平均温度用于冷不育。当还对小穗数和物候进行模拟时,模拟的准确性较低。使用新的冷热程序时,模型效率为0.14;使用新的基本温度进行物候和早期叶片生长时,模型效率提高至0.48。全新改版的ORYZA2000为干旱地区的气候变化影响评估和作物种植日历优化提供了强大的分析工具。



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