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Accelerometers Identify New Behaviors and Show Little Difference in the Activity Budgets of Lactating Northern Fur Seals (Callorhinus ursinus) between Breeding Islands and Foraging Habitats in the Eastern Bering Sea

机译:加速度计识别新行为并且在繁殖岛和白令海东部的觅食栖息地之间哺乳的北部海狗(Callorhinus ursinus)的活动预算几乎没有差异



We tagged 82 lactating northern fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus) with tri-axial accelerometers and magnetometers on two eastern Bering Sea islands (Bogoslof and St. Paul) with contrasting population trajectories. Using depth data, accelerometer data and spectral analysis we classified time spent diving (30%), resting (~7%), shaking and grooming their pelage (9%), swimming in the prone position (~10%) and two types of previously undocumented rolling behavior (29%), with the remaining time (~15%) unspecified. The reason for the extensive rolling behavior is not known. We ground-truthed the accelerometry signals for shaking and grooming and rolling behaviors—and identified the acceleration signal for porpoising—by filming tagged northern fur seals in captivity. Speeds from GPS interpolated data indicated that animals traveled fastest while in the prone position, suggesting that this behavior is indicative of destination-based swimming. Very little difference was found in the percentages of time spent in the categorical behaviors with respect to breeding islands (Bogoslof or St. Paul Island), forager type (cathemeral or nocturnal), and the region where the animals foraged (primarily on-shelf <200m, or off-shelf > 200m). The lack of significant differences between islands, regions and forager type may indicate that behaviors summarized over a trip are somewhat hardwired even though foraging trip length and when and where animals dive are known to vary with island, forager type and region.
机译:我们在两个白令海东部岛屿(Bogoslof和St. Paul)上用三轴加速度计和磁力计标记了82个哺乳期的北部海狗(Callorhinus ursinus),其种群运动轨迹相反。使用深度数据,加速度计数据和频谱分析,我们将潜水时间(30%),休息时间(〜7%),晃动和修饰他们的骨量(9%),俯卧游泳(〜10%)和两种类型的游泳时间进行了分类以前没有记录的滚动行为(29%),其余时间(〜15%)未指定。广泛的滚动行为的原因尚不清楚。我们通过拍摄圈养中标记的北部海豹,对加速度计信号进行了摇晃,修饰和滚动行为的实地研究,并确定了用于海豚化的加速度信号。来自GPS内插数据的速度表明,动物在俯卧时运动最快,这表明该行为表示基于目的地的游泳。相对于繁殖岛(Bogoslof或圣保罗岛),觅食类型(断食或夜间活动)以及动物觅食的区域(主要是货架上的< 200m,或现成的> 200m)。岛屿,区域和觅食者类型之间没有显着差异,这可能表明,尽管觅食旅行的时间长短以及已知的动物潜水时间和地点随岛屿,觅食者类型和地区的不同而变化,但一次旅行中总结的行为还是有些硬性规定。



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