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Visceral Leishmaniasis and Immunocompromise as a Risk Factor for the Development of Visceral Leishmaniasis: A Changing Pattern at The Hospital for Tropical Diseases London




Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is a parasitic protozoon infection caused by the Leishmania species and transmitted by sandflies. Patients acquire VL in five main tropical areas and the Mediterranean basin, and clinicians from non-endemic regions regularly see infected patients. We describe the population presenting with VL to the Hospital for Tropical Diseases (HTD), London and identify risk factors for developing VL.Methods and Principal FindingsA retrospective study of imported VL to the HTD, London including patients diagnosed and/or managed at the HTD between January 1995 and July 2013. We analyse patient demographics, risk factors for developing VL, diagnosis, investigation, management and outcome. Twenty-eight patients were treated for VL at the HTD over an 18 year period. The median age at VL diagnosis was 44 years (range 4–87 years) with a male to female ratio of 2:1. Most patients were British and acquired their infection in the Mediterranean basin. The median time from first symptom to diagnosis was six months with a range of 1–12 months and diagnosis included microscopic visualisation of leishmania amastigotes, positive serological tests (DAT and k39 antibody) or identification of leishmania DNA. Nineteen patients had some form of immunocompromise and this has increased proportionally compared to previously described data. Within the immunocompromised group, the ratio of those with autoimmune disease has increased. Immunocompromised patients had lower cure and higher relapse rates.
机译:内脏利什曼病(VL)是由利什曼原虫种引起的寄生虫原生动物感染,并由沙蝇传播。患者在五个主要热带地区和地中海盆地获得VL,并且来自非流行地区的临床医生会定期看到感染的患者。我们向伦敦热带病医院(HTD)描述了出现VL的人群,并确定了发展VL的危险因素。方法和主要发现对伦敦HTD进口VL的回顾性研究,包括在HTD诊断和/或管理的患者从1995年1月到2013年7月。我们分析患者的人口统计资料,VL形成的危险因素,诊断,调查,管理和结果。 28名患者在HTD接受了18年的VL治疗。 VL诊断的中位年龄为44岁(4–87岁),男女之比为2:1。大多数患者是英国人,并在地中海盆地感染。从首次症状到诊断的中位时间为6个月,范围为1-12个月,诊断包括显微镜下可视化利什曼原虫,血清学检测阳性(DAT和k39抗体)或鉴定利什曼原虫DNA。 19名患者出现某种形式的免疫功能低下,与先前描述的数据相比,这种比例呈比例增加。在免疫功能低下的人群中,患有自身免疫性疾病的比例有所增加。免疫功能低下的患者治愈率较低,复发率较高。



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