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Some temporal properties of behavioral contrast




Pigeons were rewarded on a variable time interval for pecking a translucent key illuminated with either a 45° or a vertical line. The key illumination changed every 2 min during daily 1-hr sessions. When the rates of pecking were stable, reinforcement was omitted in the presence of the 45° line. Responding in the presence of the vertical line increased. This increase did not disappear when responses to the 45° line were once more reinforced, but when reinforcements for responses in the presence of the 45° line were again omitted, responding to the vertical line increased again. After the second alternation of these two procedures, the increased responding to the vertical line appeared when responses were not reinforced in the presence of the 45° line, and disappeared when reinforcement was available during both stimuli. In a second experiment, the key illumination changed between sessions only, so that 1-hr sessions of reinforcement and non-reinforcement occurred on alternate days. Responding to the vertical line still increased when responding to the 45° line was not reinforced, but the increase tended to disappear during the session.



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