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Structural determinants of human proton-coupled folate transporter oligomerization: role of GXXXG motifs and identification of oligomeric interfaces at transmembrane domains 3 and 6




The human proton-coupled folate transporter (hPCFT) is expressed in solid tumours and is active at pHs characterizing the tumour microenvironment. Recent attention focused on exploiting hPCFT for targeting solid tumours with novel cytotoxic anti-folates. hPCFT has 12 transmembrane domains (TMDs) and forms homo-oligomers with functional significance. The hPCFT primary sequence includes GXXXG motifs in TMD2 (G93XXXG97) and TMD4 (G155XXXG159). To investigate roles of these motifs in hPCFT function, stability and surface expression, we mutated glycine to leucine to generate single or multiple substitution mutants. Only the G93L and G159L mutants preserved substantial [3H]methotrexate (Mtx) transport when expressed in hPCFT-null (R1-11) HeLa cells. Transport activity of the glycine-to-leucine mutants correlated with surface hPCFT by surface biotinylation and confocal microscopy with ECFP*-tagged hPCFTs, suggesting a role for GXXXG in hPCFT stability and intracellular trafficking. When co-expressed in R1-11 cells, haemagglutinin-tagged glycine-to-leucine mutants and His10-tagged wild-type (WT) hPCFT co-associated on nickel affinity columns, suggesting that the GXXXG motifs are not directly involved in hPCFT oligomerization. This was substantiated by in situ FRET experiments with co-expressed ECFP*- and YFP-tagged hPCFT. Molecular modelling of dimeric hPCFT structures showed juxtaposed TMDs 2, 3, 4 and 6 as potential structural interfaces between monomers. hPCFT cysteine insertion mutants in TMD3 (Q136C and L137C) and TMD6 (W213C, L214C, L224C, A227C, F228C, F230C and G231C) were expressed in R1-11 cells and cross-linked with 1,6-hexanediyl bismethanethiosulfonate, confirming TMD juxtapositions. Altogether, our results imply that TMDs 3 and 6 provide critical interfaces for formation of hPCFT oligomers, which might be facilitated by the GXXXG motifs in TMD2 and TMD4.
机译:人质子偶联叶酸转运蛋白(hPCFT)在实体瘤中表达,并在表征肿瘤微环境的pH值下具有活性。最近的注意力集中在利用hPCFT靶向具有新型细胞毒性抗叶酸的实体瘤上。 hPCFT具有12个跨膜结构域(TMD),并形成具有功能意义的同型低聚物。 hPCFT主序列在TMD2(G 93 XXXG 97 )和TMD4(G 155 XXXG 159 )中包含GXXXG基序)。为了研究这些基序在hPCFT功能,稳定性和表面表达中的作用,我们将甘氨酸突变为亮氨酸以生成单个或多个取代突变体。当在hPCFT无效(R1-11)HeLa细胞中表达时,只有G93L和G159L突变体保留了大量的[ 3 H]甲氨蝶呤(Mtx)转运。甘氨酸到亮氨酸突变体的转运活性通过表面生物素化和带ECFP *标签的hPCFT的共聚焦显微镜与表面hPCFT相关,提示GXXXG在hPCFT稳定性和细胞内运输中的作用。当在R1-11细胞中共表达时,血凝素标记的甘氨酸到亮氨酸突变体和His10标记的野生型(WT)hPCFT共同关联在镍亲和柱上,表明GXXXG基序不直接参与hPCFT寡聚。通过共表达ECFP *和YFP标签的hPCFT的原位FRET实验证实了这一点。二聚体hPCFT结构的分子模型显示并列的TMDs 2、3、4和6是单体之间潜在的结构界面。 TPC3(Q136C和L137C)和TMD6(W213C,L214C,L224C,A227C,F228C,F230C和G231C)中的hPCFT半胱氨酸插入突变体在R1-11细胞中表达并与1,6-己二基双甲硫代磺酸盐交联,证实了TMD并置。总而言之,我们的结果表明TMD 3和6为hPCFT低聚物的形成提供了关键的界面,而TMD2和TMD4中的GXXXG基序可能会促进这一过程。



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