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Initial Findings from a Novel School-Based Program EMPATHY Which May Help Reduce Depression and Suicidality in Youth




We describe initial pilot findings from a novel school-based approach to reduce youth depression and suicidality, the Empowering a Multimodal Pathway Towards Healthy Youth (EMPATHY) program. Here we present the findings from the pilot cohort of 3,244 youth aged 11–18 (Grades 6-12). They were screened for depression, suicidality, anxiety, use of drugs, alcohol, or tobacco (DAT), quality-of-life, and self-esteem. Additionally, all students in Grades 7 and 8 (mean ages 12.3 and 13.3 respectively) also received an 8-session cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) based program designed to increase resiliency to depression. Following screening there were rapid interventions for the 125 students (3.9%) who were identified as being actively suicidal, as well as for another 378 students (11.7%) who were felt to be at higher-risk of self-harm based on a combination of scores from all the scales. The intervention consisted of an interview with the student and their family followed by offering a guided internet-based CBT program. Results from the 2,790 students who completed scales at both baseline and 12-week follow-up showed significant decreases in depression and suicidality. Importantly, there was a marked decrease in the number of students who were actively suicidal (from n=125 at baseline to n=30 at 12-weeks). Of the 503 students offered the CBT program 163 (32%) took part, and this group had significantly lower depression scores compared to those who didn’t take part. There were no improvements in self-esteem, quality-of-life, or the number of students using DAT. Only 60 students (2% of total screened) required external referral during the 24-weeks following study initiation. These results suggest that a multimodal school-based program may provide an effective and pragmatic approach to help reduce youth depression and suicidality. Further research is required to determine longer-term efficacy, reproducibility, and key program elements.Trial RegistrationClinicalTrials.gov
机译:我们描述了从一种新颖的基于学校的方法来减少青少年的抑郁症和自杀倾向的初步试验结果,该方法赋予了通往健康青年的多模式途径(EMPATHY)计划。在这里,我们展示了来自3244名11-18岁(6-12年级)青年的队列研究结果。他们接受了抑郁,自杀,焦虑,吸毒,酗酒或吸烟(DAT),生活质量和自尊的筛查。此外,所有7年级和8年级的学生(分别为平均年龄12.3和13.3)也接受了基于8课的认知行为疗法(CBT)的计划,旨在提高对抑郁症的适应能力。筛查后,对125名被发现有自杀倾向的学生进行了快速干预(3.9%),另外还有378名学生(根据组合被认为具有较高的自残危险)被干预(11.7%)。所有量表的分数。干预包括对学生及其家人的采访,然后提供基于互联网的引导性CBT计划。来自2790名在基线和12周随访中均完成量表的学生的结果显示,抑郁和自杀倾向显着降低。重要的是,主动自杀的学生人数显着减少(从基线的n = 125减少到12周的n = 30)。在503名参加CBT计划的学生中,有163名(32%)参加了该课程,与未参加课程的学生相比,该组的抑郁评分要低得多。自尊,生活质量或使用DAT的学生人数没有任何改善。在研究开始后的24周内,只有60名学生(占筛查总数的2%)需要外部转诊。这些结果表明,以学校为基础的多模式计划可以提供一种有效而务实的方法,以帮助减少青年人的抑郁和自杀倾向。需要进行进一步的研究以确定长期疗效,可重复性和关键程序要素.Trial RegistrationClinicalTrials.gov



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