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Synthesis and evaluation of thymidine kinase 1-targeting carboranyl pyrimidine nucleoside analogues for boron neutron capture therapy of cancer




A library of sixteen 2nd generation amino- and amido-substituted carboranyl pyrimidine nucleoside analogues, designed as substrates and inhibitors of thymidine kinase 1 (TK1) for potential use in boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) of cancer, was synthesized and evaluated in enzyme kinetic-, enzyme inhibition-, metabolomic-, and biodistribution studies. One of these 2nd generation carboranyl pyrimidine nucleoside analogues (>YB18A [>3]), having an amino group directly attached to a meta-carborane cage tethered via ethylene spacer to the 3-position of thymidine, was approximately 3–4 times superior as a substrate and inhibitor of hTK1 than >N5-2OH (2), a 1st generation carboranyl pyrimidine nucleoside analogue. Both >2 and >3 appeared to be 5′-monophosphorylated in TK1(+) RG2 cells, both in vitro and in vivo. Biodistribution studies in rats bearing intracerebral RG2 glioma resulted in selective tumor uptake of >3 with an intratumoral concentration that was approximately 4 times higher than that of >2. The obtained results significantly advance the understanding of the binding interactions between TK1 and carboranyl pyrimidine nucleoside analogues and will profoundly impact future design strategies for these agents.
机译:一个由16个第2代氨基取代和氨基取代的碳硼烷基嘧啶核苷类似物组成的文库,被设计为胸苷激酶1(TK1)的底物和抑制剂,可用于癌症的硼中子捕获疗法(BNCT)在酶动力学,酶抑制,代谢组学和生物分布研究中进行了合成和评估。第2代碳硼烷基嘧啶核苷类似物(> YB18A [> 3 ])中的一种,其氨基直接与间碳环笼相连通过乙烯间隔基连接到胸苷的3-位,作为hTK1的底物和抑制剂的效果比> N5-2OH(2 ),st 高约3-4倍>生成碳硼烷基嘧啶核苷类似物。在体外和体内,> 2 和> 3 均在TK1(+)RG2细胞中被5'-单磷酸化。对患有脑内RG2神经胶质瘤的大鼠进行的生物分布研究导致肿瘤中的> 3 选择性摄取,其肿瘤内浓度约为> 2 的4倍。获得的结果大大提高了对TK1和碳硼烷基嘧啶核苷类似物之间结合相互作用的理解,并将深刻影响这些试剂的未来设计策略。



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