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Subadult ravens generally dont transfer valuable tokens to conspecifics when there is nothing to gain for themselves




The extent to which humans help each other is extraordinary in itself, and difficult to explain from an evolutionary perspective. Therefore, there has been a recent surge in studies investigating the evolution of prosocial behavior using a comparative approach. Nevertheless, most of these studies have focused on primates only, and little is known about other animal orders. In a previous study, common ravens (Corvus corax) have been shown to be indifferent to the gains of conspecifics. However, this may have been due to the experimental set-up, as many studies that use different set-ups report conflicting results within the same species. We therefore tested ravens' prosocial tendencies in a different set-up; i.e., we tested whether sub-adult ravens would transfer a token to a partner and, thereby, provide the partner with the opportunity to exchange a token for a reward. To control and test for effects of partner identity, we tested eight individuals both in a dyadic and in a group setting. Our results show that in general the ravens in our experiment did not show other-regarding preferences. However, some acts of helping did occur spontaneously. We discuss what could be the causes for those sporadic instances, and why in general prosocial tendencies were found to be almost lacking among the ravens in this set-up.
机译:人与人之间互相帮助的程度本身就是非同寻常的,并且很难从进化的角度来解释。因此,最近有大量研究使用比较方法研究亲社会行为的演变。然而,这些研究大多数只集中在灵长类动物上,而对其他动物种群知之甚少。在先前的研究中,普通乌鸦(Corvus corax)被证明对同种异体的获得无动于衷。但是,这可能是由于实验设置造成的,因为许多使用不同设置的研究报告了同一物种内的结果相互矛盾。因此,我们以不同的方式测试了乌鸦的亲社会倾向。即我们测试了成年乌鸦是否会将代币转移给伴侣,从而为伴侣提供了交换代币以获得奖励的机会。为了控制和测试合作伙伴身份的影响,我们在二元和小组环境中测试了八个人。我们的结果表明,总体而言,我们实验中的乌鸦没有表现出其他方面的偏好。但是,某些帮助行为确实是自发发生的。我们讨论了造成这些零星事件的原因是什么,以及为什么在这种情况下通常发现乌鸦之间几乎没有亲社会倾向。



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