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Non-suicidal self-injury as a risk factor for purging onset: Negatively reinforced behaviors that reduce emotional distress




Both non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) and purging behavior are thought to involve harm to the self. The acquired capability for self-harm model holds that engaging in one self-harming behavior increases the capability to tolerate harm to the self, thus increasing risk for engaging on other such behaviors. In addition, both behaviors are thought to serve the similar function of relief from distress. We thus tested whether engagement in one of these behaviors predicts the subsequent onset of the other. In a longitudinal design, 1158 first year college women were assessed for purging and NSSI at two time points. Engagement in NSSI at Time 1 predicted the college onset of purging behavior 9 months later (OR = 2.20, p<.04, CI=1.07-4.19) beyond prediction from Time 1 binge behavior, and purging behavior at Time 1 predicted the subsequent onset of NSSI (OR = 6.54,p<.01, CI=1.71-25.04). These findings are consistent with the acquired capability for harm model and with the possibility that the two behaviors serve a similar function.
机译:非自杀性自残(NSSI)和吹扫行为都被认为对自身造成伤害。获得的自我伤害模型的能力认为,从事一种自我伤害行为会增加忍受自身伤害的能力,从而增加从事其他此类行为的风险。另外,两种行为都被认为具有减轻痛苦的相似功能。因此,我们测试了参与其中一种行为是否可以预测另一种行为的随后发作。在纵向设计中,在两个时间点对1158名大学一年级女性进行了净化和NSSI评估。时间1的NSSI参与预测了9个月后的大学发作行为(OR = 2.20,p <.04,CI = 1.07-4.19)超出了时间1暴饮暴食的预测,时间1的清除行为预测了随后的发作NSSI(OR = 6.54,p <.01,CI = 1.71-25.04)。这些发现与获得的危害模型能力以及两种行为起相似作用的可能性是一致的。



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