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Watch what I do not what I say I do: Computer-based avatars to assess behavioral inhibition a vulnerability factor for anxiety disorders




Behavioral inhibition (BI), a tendency to withdraw from or avoid novel social and non-social situations, is a personality trait which can confer risk for anxiety disorders. Like many personality traits, BI is often assessed via self-report questionnaires where respondents rate themselves for frequency of certain behaviors or feelings. However, questionnaires have inherent limitations, particularly in psychiatric populations where there may be unawareness of deficit. A viable alternative may be virtual environments, in which the participant guides an on-screen “avatar” through a series of onscreen events meant to simulate real-world situations. Here, we report on initial development of such an assessment tool, involving several onscreen scenarios with choice points where the participant can select from response options corresponding to inhibited or uninhibited behaviors. In two experiments involving over 300 college students, scores on the computer-based task were strongly correlated with BI scores attained through self-report questionnaire (r>.780, p<.001); this relationship held regardless of participant gender and experience with computer games. The results suggest that virtual environments may hold promise as alternative formats for assessment of personality traits in populations unsuited to traditional paper-and-pencil questionnaire formats due to psychopathology, limited attention span, or poor vocabulary and/or literacy skills.
机译:行为抑制(BI)是一种倾向于退出或避免出现新的社交和非社交情况的趋势,它是一种人格特质,可带来焦虑症的风险。像许多人格特质一样,商务智能通常通过自我报告调查表进行评估,受访者根据某些行为或感受的频率对自己进行评估。但是,问卷有其固有的局限性,特别是在精神病人群中,可能没有意识到缺乏症。一个可行的替代方案可能是虚拟环境,在虚拟环境中,参与者通过一系列旨在模拟现实世界情况的屏幕事件来指导屏幕上的“化身”。在这里,我们报告了这种评估工具的初步开发情况,涉及几种带有选择点的屏幕场景,参与者可以在这些场景中从与抑制或不抑制行为相对应的响应选项中进行选择。在两个涉及300多名大学生的实验中,基于计算机的任务得分与通过自我报告调查表获得的BI得分密切相关(r> .780,p <.001);不论参与者的性别和计算机游戏经验如何,这种关系都会保持。结果表明,由于心理病理学,关注范围有限或词汇和/或读写能力较差,虚拟环境可能有望替代不适合传统纸质铅笔调查表格式的人群中的人格特征。



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