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Remodeling of the epithelial-connective tissue interface (ECTI) in oral epithelial dysplasia as visualized by noninvasive 3D imaging




Early neoplastic features in oral epithelial dysplasia are first evident at the basal epithelium positioned at the epithelial-connective tissue interface (ECTI), separating the basal epithelium from the underlying lamina propria. The ECTI undergoes significant deformation in early neoplasia due to focal epithelial expansion and proteolytic remodeling of the lamina propria but few studies have examined these changes. In the present study, we quantitated alterations in ECTI topography in dysplasia using in vivo volumetric multiphoton autofluorescence microscopy and second harmonic generation microscopy. The label-free method allows direct noninvasive visualization of the ECTI surface without perturbing the epithelium. An image-based parameter, ‘ECTI contour’, is described that indicates deformation of the ECTI surface. ECTI contour was higher in dysplasia than control or inflammed specimens, indicating transition from flat to a deformed surface. Cellular parameters of nuclear area, nuclear density, coefficient of variation in nuclear area in the basal epithelium and collagen density in areas adjacent to ECTI were measured. ECTI contour differentiated dysplasia from control/benign mucosa with higher sensitivity and specificity than basal nuclear density or basal nuclear area, comparable to coefficient of variation in nuclear area and collagen density. The presented method offers a unique opportunity to study ECTI in intact mucosa with simultaneous assessment of cellular and extracellular matrix features, expanding opportunities for studies of early neoplastic events near this critical interface and potentially leading to development of new approaches for detecting neoplasia in vivo.
机译:口腔上皮发育不良的早期赘生物特征首先在位于上皮-结缔组织界面(ECTI)的基底上皮上明显显现,将基底上皮与固有的固有层分开。由于局灶性上皮扩张和固有层的蛋白水解重塑,早期赘生物中的ECTI发生严重变形,但很少有研究检查这些变化。在本研究中,我们利用体内体积多光子自发荧光显微镜和二次谐波显微镜对不典型增生中ECTI地形的变化进行了定量。无标记方法允许直接无创观察ECTI表面,而不会干扰上皮。描述了基于图像的参数“ ECTI轮廓”,该参数指示ECTI表面的变形。在异型增生中,ECTI轮廓高于对照组或发炎的标本,表明从平坦表面过渡到变形表面。测量细胞核参数,核密度,基底上皮核面积变异系数和与ECTI相邻区域的胶原密度。 ECTI轮廓与对照组/良性粘膜区别增生,其敏感性和特异性高于基底核密度或基底核面积,可与核面积和胶原密度的变异系数相媲美。提出的方法为研究完整黏膜中ECTI的同时提供细胞和细胞外基质特征的评估提供了独特的机会,扩大了在这个关键界面附近研究早期肿瘤事件的机会,并可能导致开发新的体内检测瘤形成的方法。



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