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Selectable light-sheet uniformity using tuned axial scanning




Light-sheet fluorescence microscopy (LSFM) is an optical sectioning technique capable of rapid three-dimensional (3D) imaging of a wide range of specimens with reduced phototoxicity and superior background rejection. However, traditional light-sheet generation approaches based on elliptical or circular Gaussian beams suffer an inherent trade-off between light-sheet thickness and area over which this thickness is preserved. Recently, an increase in light-sheet uniformity was demonstrated using rapid biaxial Gaussian beam scanning along the lateral and beam propagation directions. Here we apply a similar scanning concept to an elliptical beam generated by a cylindrical lens. In this case, only z-scanning of the elliptical beam is required and hence experimental implementation of the setup can be simplified. We introduce a simple dimensionless uniformity statistic to better characterize scanned light-sheets and experimentally demonstrate custom tailored uniformities up to a factor of 5 higher than those of un-scanned elliptical beams. This technique offers a straightforward way to generate and characterize a custom illumination profile that provides enhanced utilization of the detector dynamic range and field of view, opening the door to faster and more efficient 2D and 3D imaging.



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