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Herbaceous Legume Encroachment Reduces Grass Productivity and Density in Arid Rangelands




Worldwide savannas and arid grasslands are mainly used for livestock grazing, providing livelihood to over a billion people. While normally dominated by perennial C4 grasses, these rangelands are increasingly affected by the massive spread of native, mainly woody legumes. The consequences are often a repression of grass cover and productivity, leading to a reduced carrying capacity. While such encroachment by woody plants has been extensively researched, studies on similar processes involving herbaceous species are rare. We studied the impact of a sustained and massive spread of the native herbaceous legume Crotalaria podocarpa in Namibia’s escarpment region on the locally dominant fodder grasses Stipagrostis ciliata and Stipagrostis uniplumis. We measured tussock densities, biomass production of individual tussocks and tussock dormancy state of Stipagrostis on ten 10 m x 10 m plots affected and ten similarly-sized plots unaffected by C. podocarpa over eight consecutive years and under different seasonal rainfalls and estimated the potential relative productivity of the land. We found the percentage of active Stipagrostis tussocks and the biomass production of individual tussocks to increase asymptotically with higher seasonal rainfall reaching a maximum around 300 mm while the land’s relative productivity under average local rainfall conditions reached only 40% of its potential. Crotalaria podocarpa encroachment had no effect on the proportion of productive grass tussocks, but reduced he productivity of individual Stipagrostis tussocks by a third. This effect of C. podocarpa on grass productivity was immediate and direct and was not compensated for by above-average rainfall. Besides this immediate effect, over time, the density of grass tussocks declined by more than 50% in areas encroached by C. podocarpa further and lastingly reducing the lands carrying capacity. The effects of C. podocarpa on grass productivity hereby resemble those of woody encroachers. Therefore, against the background of global change, the spread of herbaceous legumes and the underlying patterns needs to be further investigated to develop adequate counter measures for a sustainable land use.
机译:世界各地的稀树草原和干旱草原主要用于放牧牲畜,为十亿多人提供了生计。这些牧场通常以多年生C4草为主,但越来越受到本土(主要是木质豆科植物)的广泛传播的影响。结果往往是压抑了草皮和生产力,导致承载能力下降。虽然对木本植物的这种侵害进行了广泛的研究,但很少涉及涉及草种的类似过程的研究。我们研究了纳米比亚悬崖峭壁地区的原生草本豆科豆科猪屎豆的持续大规模传播对当地优势草料Stipagrostis ciliata和Stipagrostis uniplumis的影响。我们在连续八年和不同季节降雨条件下,在十个10 mx 10 m样地和十个未受角果罗汉果影响的类似样地上,测量了针茅的密度,单个丛生的生物量以及针茅的休眠状态,并估计了潜在的相对生产力的土地。我们发现,随着较高的季节性降雨达到300毫米左右的最大值,活动的针茅草的百分比和单个草丛的生物量产量会逐渐增加,而在当地平均降雨条件下土地的相对生产力仅达到其潜力的40%。猪屎豆荚果的侵染对生产性草丛的比例没有影响,但是使单个针茅草丛的生产力降低了三分之一。罗汉果对草生产力的影响是直接和直接的,并没有被高于平均水平的降雨所补偿。除了这种直接作用外,随着时间的推移,在罗汉果被罗汉果侵染的地区,草丛的密度下降了50%以上,从而进一步并持久地降低了土地的承载能力。罗汉果对草生产力的影响在此类似于木质入侵者。因此,在全球变化的背景下,需要进一步研究草本豆科植物的传播及其基本模式,以制定适当的对策以实现土地的可持续利用。



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