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Application of portable XRF and VNIR sensors for rapid assessment of soil heavy metal pollution




Rapid heavy metal soil surveys at large scale with high sampling density could not be conducted with traditional laboratory physical and chemical analyses because of the high cost, low efficiency and heavy workload involved. This study explored a rapid approach to assess heavy metals contamination in 301 farmland soils from Fuyang in Zhejiang Province, in the southern Yangtze River Delta, China, using portable proximal soil sensors. Portable X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (PXRF) was used to determine soil heavy metals total concentrations while soil pH was predicted by portable visible-near infrared spectroscopy (PVNIR). Zn, Cu and Pb were successfully predicted by PXRF (R2 >0.90 and RPD >2.50) while As and Ni were predicted with less accuracy (R2 <0.75 and RPD <1.40). The pH values were well predicted by PVNIR. Classification of heavy metals contamination grades in farmland soils was conducted based on previous results; the Kappa coefficient was 0.87, which showed that the combination of PXRF and PVNIR was an effective and rapid method to determine the degree of pollution with soil heavy metals. This study provides a new approach to assess soil heavy metals pollution; this method will facilitate large-scale surveys of soil heavy metal pollution.
机译:由于成本高,效率低,工作量大,无法使用传统的实验室理化分析方法进行大规模,重采样的快速重金属土壤快速调查。这项研究探索了一种快速方法,使用便携式近端土壤传感器评估了来自中国长江三角洲南部浙江省富阳市的301种农田土壤中的重金属污染。便携式X射线荧光光谱法(PXRF)用于测定土壤重金属的总浓度,而土壤pH值是通过便携式可见近红外光谱法(PVNIR)预测的。 PXRF(R 2 2.50)成功预测了Zn,Cu和Pb,而As和Ni的预测精度较低(R 2 <0.75和RPD <1.40)。通过PVNIR可以很好地预测pH值。根据以前的结果对农田土壤中的重金属污染等级进行了分类。 Kappa系数为0.87,表明PXRF和PVNIR的组合是测定土壤重金属污染程度的一种有效且快速的方法。这项研究提供了一种评估土壤重金属污染的新方法。这种方法将有利于土壤重金属污染的大规模调查。



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