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Shared Participatory Research Principles and Methodologies: Perspectives from the USA and Brazil—45 Years after Paulo Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed

机译:共同参与式研究原则和方法:美国和巴西的观点-保罗·弗莱雷(Paulo Freire)的被压迫者教学法问世45年



The trajectory of participation in health research by community social actors worldwide has been built on a history of community participation from the Ottawa Charter Health Promotion call for community mobilization, to the emancipatory educational philosophy of Paulo Freire, to social movements and organizing for health and social justice. This paper builds on this history to expand our global knowledge about community participation in research through a dialogue between experiences and contexts in two prominent countries in this approach; the United States and Brazil. We first focus on differences in political and scientific contexts, financing, and academic perspectives and then present how, despite these differences, similarities exist in values and collaborative methodologies aimed at engaging community partners in democratizing science and knowledge construction. We present three case studies, one from the U.S. and two from Brazil, which illustrate similar multi-level processes using participatory research tools and Freirian dialogue to contribute to social mobilization, community empowerment, and the transformation of inequitable societal conditions. Despite different processes of evolution, we observed a convergence of participatory health research strategies and values that can transform science in our commitment to reduce health and social inequities and improve community wellbeing.
机译:全球社区社会参与者参与健康研究的轨迹是建立在社区参与的历史上的,从《渥太华宪章》的健康促进呼吁动员社区,到保罗·弗莱雷(Paulo Freire)的解放教育哲学,到社会运动以及为健康和社会组织的运动正义。本文以这一历史为基础,通过在两个著名国家中以这种方式在经验和背景之间进行对话,扩大了我们对社区参与研究的全球知识;美国和巴西。我们首先关注政治和科学背景,资金和学术观点上的差异,然后介绍尽管存在这些差异,但价值观和协作方法之间存在相似之处,旨在让社区合作伙伴参与使科学和知识建设民主化。我们提供了三个案例研究,一个来自美国,两个来自巴西,它们说明了使用参与式研究工具和弗雷里安对话以促进社会动员,增强社区权能和改变不平等的社会条件的类似的多层次过程。尽管进化过程​​不同,但我们观察到参与性健康研究策略和价值观的融合,可以改变我们致力于减少健康和社会不平等并改善社区福祉的科学。



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