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Children’s weight changes according to maternal perception of the child’s weight and health: A prospective cohort of Peruvian children




The aim of the study was to estimate the association between maternal perception of their child’s health status and (mis)classification of their child’s actual weight with future weight change. We present cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses from the Peruvian younger cohort of the Young Lives Study. For cross-sectional analysis, the exposure was maternal perception of child health status (better, same or worse); the outcome was underestimation or overestimation of the child’s actual weight. Mothers were asked about their perception of their child’s weight (same, lighter or heavier than other children). Actual weight status was defined with IOTF BMI cut-off points. For longitudinal analysis, the exposure was (mis)classification of the child’s actual weight; the outcome was the standardized mean difference between follow-up and baseline BMI. A Generalized Linear Model with Poisson family and log-link was used to report the prevalence ratio (PR) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) for cross-sectional analyses. A Linear Regression Model was used to report the longitudinal analysis as coefficient estimates (β) and 95% CI. Normal weight children who were perceived as more healthy than other children were more likely to have their weight overestimated (PR = 2.06); conversely, those who were perceived as less healthy than other children were more likely to have their weight underestimated (PR = 2.17). Mean follow-up time was 2.6 (SD: 0.3) years. Overall, underweight children whose weight was overestimated were more likely to gain BMI (β = 0.44); whilst overweight children whose weight was considered to be the same of their peers (β = -0.55), and those considered to be lighter than other children (β = -0.87), lost BMI. Maternal perception of the child’s health status seems to influence both overestimation and underestimation of the child’s actual weight status. Such weight (mis)perception may influence future BMI.
机译:这项研究的目的是评估母亲对孩子健康状况的感知与对孩子实际体重的(错误)分类与未来体重变化之间的关联。我们提供了来自“年轻生命研究”的秘鲁年轻队列的横断面和纵向分析。对于横断面分析,暴露是母亲对儿童健康状况的感知(更好,相同或更差)。结果是孩子的实际体重被低估或高估了。询问母亲对孩子体重的看法(与其他孩子相同,更轻或更重)。实际体重状态由IOTF BMI临界点定义。为了进行纵向分析,暴露量是孩子的实际体重分类。结果是随访与基线BMI之间的标准化平均差。使用带有Poisson族和log-link的广义线性模型报告横截面分析的患病率(PR)和95%置信区间(95%CI)。使用线性回归模型将纵向分析报告为系数估计值(β)和95%CI。正常体重的孩子被认为比其他孩子更健康,他们的体重被高估的可能性更大(PR = 2.06);相反,那些被认为不如其他孩子健康的人更有可能被低估了体重(PR = 2.17)。平均随访时间为2.6(SD:0.3)年。总体而言,体重过高的体重过轻的孩子更有可能获得BMI(β= 0.44);而被认为与同龄人体重相同的超重儿童(β= -0.55),而被认为比其他孩子轻的儿童(β= -0.87)则体重减轻。产妇对孩子健康状况的感知似乎会影响孩子对实际体重状况的高估和低估。这种体重(误)感可能会影响未来的BMI。



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