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Crops In Silico: Generating Virtual Crops Using an Integrative and Multi-scale Modeling Platform




Multi-scale models can facilitate whole plant simulations by linking gene networks, protein synthesis, metabolic pathways, physiology, and growth. Whole plant models can be further integrated with ecosystem, weather, and climate models to predict how various interactions respond to environmental perturbations. These models have the potential to fill in missing mechanistic details and generate new hypotheses to prioritize directed engineering efforts. Outcomes will potentially accelerate improvement of crop yield, sustainability, and increase future food security. It is time for a paradigm shift in plant modeling, from largely isolated efforts to a connected community that takes advantage of advances in high performance computing and mechanistic understanding of plant processes. Tools for guiding future crop breeding and engineering, understanding the implications of discoveries at the molecular level for whole plant behavior, and improved prediction of plant and ecosystem responses to the environment are urgently needed. The purpose of this perspective is to introduce Crops in silico (), an integrative and multi-scale modeling platform, as one solution that combines isolated modeling efforts toward the generation of virtual crops, which is open and accessible to the entire plant biology community. The major challenges involved both in the development and deployment of a shared, multi-scale modeling platform, which are summarized in this prospectus, were recently identified during the first Crops in silico Symposium and Workshop.
机译:多尺度模型可以通过链接基因网络,蛋白质合成,代谢途径,生理和生长来促进整个植物的模拟。整个植物模型可以与生态系统,天气和气候模型进一步集成,以预测各种相互作用如何响应环境扰动。这些模型有可能填补缺失的机械细节,并产生新的假设以对定向工程工作进行优先排序。结果可能会加速作物产量,可持续性的提高,并提高未来的粮食安全性。现在是进行工厂建模范式转变的时候了,从很大程度上孤立的工作变成了利用高性能计算和对工厂过程的机械理解的进步的相互联系的社区。迫切需要一些工具来指导未来的作物育种和工程,了解分子水平的发现对整个植物行为的影响,以及对植物和生态系统对环境的反应进行更好的预测。该观点的目的是介绍Crops in silico(),这是一个集成的,多尺度的建模平台,作为一种解决方案,它将孤立的建模工作与虚拟农作物的生成结合起来,该虚拟农作物对整个植物生物学社区都是开放的并可访问的。本招股说明书中概述了在共享和多尺度建模平台的开发和部署过程中涉及的主要挑战,这些挑战最近在第一届“计算机作物研讨会”和研讨会上确定。


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