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Fertilizing a Patient Engagement Ecosystem to Innovate Healthcare: Toward the First Italian Consensus Conference on Patient Engagement




Currently we observe a gap between theory and practices of patient engagement. If both scholars and health practitioners do agree on the urgency to realize patient engagement, no shared guidelines exist so far to orient clinical practice. Despite a supportive policy context, progress to achieve greater patient engagement is patchy and slow and often concentrated at the level of policy regulation without dialoguing with practitioners from the clinical field as well as patients and families. Though individual clinicians, care teams and health organizations may be interested and deeply committed to engage patients and family members in the medical course, they may lack clarity about how to achieve this goal. This contributes to a wide “system” inertia—really difficult to be overcome—and put at risk any form of innovation in this filed. As a result, patient engagement risk today to be a buzz words, rather than a real guidance for practice. To make the field clearer, we promoted an Italian Consensus Conference on Patient Engagement (ICCPE) in order to set the ground for drafting recommendations for the provision of effective patient engagement interventions. The ICCPE will conclude in June 2017. This document reports on the preliminary phases of this process. In the paper, we advise the importance of “fertilizing a patient engagement ecosystem”: an oversimplifying approach to patient engagement promotion appears the result of a common illusion. Patient “disengagement” is a symptom that needs a more holistic and complex approach to solve its underlined causes. Preliminary principles to promote a patient engagement ecosystem are provided in the paper.
机译:目前,我们观察到患者参与的理论与实践之间存在差距。如果学者和医疗从业者都同意实现患者参与的紧迫性,那么到目前为止,尚无用于指导临床实践的共享准则。尽管有支持性的政策背景,但实现更大程度的患者参与的进展却是零散而缓慢的,并且通常集中在政策法规层面,而没有与临床领域的从业人员以及患者和家属进行对话。尽管个别的临床医生,护理团队和卫生组织可能对吸引患者和家属参加医学课程感兴趣并做出了深刻的承诺,但他们可能对如何实现此目标缺乏明确的认识。这造成了广泛的“系统”惯性,这是很难克服的,并且使该领域的任何形式的创新都处于危险之中。结果,今天的患者参与风险成为流行语,而不是真正的实践指导。为了使问题更加明确,我们发起了一次意大利患者参与共识会议(ICCPE),以便为起草有关提供有效患者参与干预措施的建议奠定基础。 ICCPE将于2017年6月结束。本文件报告了该过程的初步阶段。在本文中,我们建议“使患者参与的生态系统受精”的重要性:过度简化患者参与的方法似乎是一种普遍幻想的结果。病人“脱离接触”是一种症状,需要一种更全面,更复杂的方法来解决其下划线的原因。本文提供了促进患者参与生态系统的基本原则。


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