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Simultaneously reducing CO2 and particulate exposures via fractional recirculation of vehicle cabin air




Prior studies demonstrate that air recirculation can reduce exposure to nanoparticles in vehicle cabins. However when people occupy confined spaces, air recirculation can lead to carbon dioxide (CO2) accumulation which can potentially lead to deleterious effects on cognitive function. This study proposes a fractional air recirculation system for reducing nanoparticle concentration while simultaneously suppressing CO2 levels in the cabin. Several recirculation scenarios were tested using a custom-programmed HVAC (heat, ventilation, air conditioning) unit that varied the recirculation door angle in the test vehicle. Operating the recirculation system with a standard cabin filter reduced particle concentrations to 1000 particles/cm3, although CO2 levels rose to 3000 ppm. When as little as 25% fresh air was introduced (75% recirculation), CO2 levels dropped to 1000 ppm, while particle concentrations remained below 5000 particles/cm3. We found that nanoparticles were removed selectively during recirculation and demonstrated the trade-off between cabin CO2 concentration and cabin particle concentration using fractional air recirculation. Data showed significant increases in CO2 levels during 100% recirculation. For various fan speeds, recirculation fractions of 50–75% maintained lower CO2 levels in the cabin, while still reducing particulate levels. We recommend fractional recirculation as a simple method to reduce occupants’ exposures to particulate matter and CO2 in vehicles. A design with several fractional recirculation settings could allow air exchange adequate for reducing both particulate and CO2 exposures. Developing this technology could lead to reductions in airborne nanoparticle exposure, while also mitigating safety risks from CO2 accumulation.
机译:先前的研究表明,空气再循环可以减少暴露于车厢中的纳米颗粒。但是,当人们居住在狭窄的空间内时,空气再循环会导致二氧化碳(CO2)积累,从而可能对认知功能产生有害影响。这项研究提出了一种分数空气再循环系统,用于降低纳米颗粒的浓度,同时抑制舱室中的二氧化碳水平。使用定制程序的HVAC(加热,通风,空调)单元测试了几种再循环方案,该单元改变了测试车辆中的再循环门角度。尽管CO2浓度升至3000 ppm,但使用标准机舱过滤器运行再循环系统可将颗粒浓度降低至1000颗粒/ cm 3 。当引入低至25%的新鲜空气(75%的再循环)时,CO2含量降至1000 ppm,而颗粒浓度仍低于5000个颗粒/ cm 3 。我们发现纳米颗粒在再循环过程中被选择性去除,并证明了使用部分空气再循环在车厢CO2浓度和车厢颗粒浓度之间进行权衡。数据显示,在100%再循环期间,CO2水平显着增加。对于各种风扇速度,50%至75%的再循环分数可保持机舱内较低的CO2水平,同时仍可降低颗粒物水平。我们建议采用分数再循环作为一种简单的方法,以减少乘员暴露在车辆中的颗粒物和二氧化碳中。具有几个部分再循环设置的设计可允许进行足够的空气交换,以减少颗粒物和二氧化碳的暴露。开发这项技术可以减少空气中纳米颗粒的暴露,同时还可以减轻二氧化碳累积的安全风险。



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