首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience >Disrupted amygdala-prefrontal connectivity during emotion regulation links stress-reactive rumination and adolescent depressive symptoms

Disrupted amygdala-prefrontal connectivity during emotion regulation links stress-reactive rumination and adolescent depressive symptoms




Rumination in response to stress (stress-reactive rumination) has been linked to higher levels of depressive symptoms in adolescents. However, no work to date has examined the neural mechanisms connecting stress-reactive rumination and adolescent depressive symptoms. The present work attempted to bridge this gap through an fMRI study of 41 adolescent girls (Mage = 15.42, SD = 0.33)—a population in whom elevated levels of depressive symptoms, rumination, and social stress sensitivity are displayed. During the scan, participants completed two tasks: an emotion regulation task and a social stress task. Using psychophysiological interaction (PPI) analyses, we found that positive functional connectivity between the amygdala and ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (VLPFC) during the emotion regulation task mediated the association between stress-reactive rumination and depressive symptoms. These results suggest that stress-reactive rumination may interfere with the expression and development of neural connectivity patterns associated with effective emotion regulation, which may contribute, in turn, to heightened depressive symptoms.
机译:应对压力的反刍(应激反应性反刍)与青少年抑郁症状的升高有关。但是,迄今为止,尚无研究检查应激反应性反刍和青少年抑郁症状的神经机制。目前的工作试图通过对41名青春期女孩(Mage = 15.42,SD = 0.33)的功能磁共振成像研究来弥合这一差距,该人群的抑郁症状,反刍和对社会压力的敏感度均较高。在扫描过程中,参与者完成了两项任务:情绪调节任务和社交压力任务。使用心理生理学交互作用(PPI)分析,我们发现在情绪调节任务期间杏仁核和腹外侧前额叶皮层(VLPFC)之间的正功能连通性介导了应激反应性反刍和抑郁症状之间的关联。这些结果表明,应激反应性反刍可能会干扰与有效情绪调节有关的神经连接模式的表达和发展,进而可能加剧抑郁症状。



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