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Effects of microclimatic variables on the symptoms and signs onset of Moniliophthora roreri causal agent of Moniliophthora pod rot in cacao




Moniliophthora Pod Rot (MPR) caused by the fungus Moniliophthora roreri (Cif.) Evans et al., is one of the main limiting factors of cocoa production in Latin America. Currently insufficient information on the biology and epidemiology of the pathogen limits the development of efficient management options to control MPR. This research aims to elucidate MPR development through the following daily microclimatic variables: minimum and maximum temperatures, wetness frequency, average temperature and relative humidity in the highly susceptible cacao clone Pound-7 (incidence = 86% 2008–2013 average). A total of 55 cohorts totaling 2,268 pods of 3–10 cm length, one to two months of age, were tagged weekly. Pods were assessed throughout their lifetime, every one or two weeks, and classified in 3 different categories: healthy, diseased with no sporulation, diseased with sporulating lesions. As a first step, we used Generalized Linear Mixed Models (GLMM) to determine with no a priori the period (when and for how long) each climatic variable was better related with the appearance of symptoms and sporulation. Then the significance of the candidate variables was tested in a complete GLMM. Daily average wetness frequency from day 14 to day 1, before tagging, and daily average maximum temperature from day 4 to day 21, after tagging, were the most explanatory variables of the symptoms appearance. The former was positively linked with the symptoms appearance when the latter exhibited a maximum at 30°C. The most important variables influencing sporulation were daily average minimum temperature from day 35 to day 58 and daily average maximum temperature from day 37 to day 48, both after tagging. Minimum temperature was negatively linked with the sporulation while maximum temperature was positively linked. Results indicated that the fungal microclimatic requirements vary from the early to the late cycle stages, possibly due to the pathogen’s long latent period. This information is valuable for development of new conceptual models for MPR and improvement of control methods.
机译:Evans等人的真菌Moniliophthora roreri(Cif。)引起的Moniliophthora Pod Rot(MPR)是拉丁美洲可可生产的主要限制因素之一。当前关于病原体的生物学和流行病学的信息不足,限制了控制MPR的有效管理方法的发展。这项研究旨在通过以下每日微气候变量阐明MPR的发展:高度敏感的可可克隆Pound-7的最低和最高温度,湿度频率,平均温度和相对湿度(发生率= 2008-2013年平均值的86%)。每周对总共55个队列进行标记,这些队列总计2268个3至10厘米长的豆荚,年龄为1至2个月。每隔一到两周对豆荚进行评估,并将其分为3个不同类别:健康,无孢子病,有孢子病。第一步,我们使用广义线性混合模型(GLMM)无先验地确定每个气候变量与症状和孢子形成的相关时间(何时以及持续多长时间)。然后,在完整的GLMM中测试候选变量的重要性。标记出现前第14天至第1天的日平均湿度频率以及标记后第4天至第21天的日平均最高温度是症状出现的最解释性变量。当后者在30°C时出现最大值时,前者与症状的出现呈正相关。标记后,影响孢子形成的最重要变量是日平均最低温度(从第35天到58天)和日平均最高温度(从第37天到48天)。最低温度与孢子形成负相关,而最高温度与孢子形成负相关。结果表明,真菌的微气候需求在周期的早期到后期各不相同,这可能是由于病原体的潜伏期长所致。此信息对于开发MPR的新概念模型和改进控制方法非常有价值。



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