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Isotretinoin Administration Improves Sperm Production in Men with Infertility from Oligoasthenozoospermia: A Pilot Study




There is currently no effective medical therapy for men with infertility due to oligoasthenozoospermia (OA). As men with abnormal sperm production have lower concentrations of 13-cis-retinoic acid in their testes, we hypothesized that men with infertility from OA might have improved sperm counts when treated with isotretinoin (13-cis-retinoic acid).We conducted a single-site, single-arm, pilot study to determine the effect of therapy with isotretinoin on sperm indices in 19 infertile men with OA. Subjects were men between 21 and 60 years of age with infertility for longer than 12 months associated with sperm concentrations below 15 million sperm/ml. All men received isotretinoin 20 mg by mouth twice daily for 20 weeks. Subjects had semen analyses, physical examinations and lab tests every four weeks during treatment. Nineteen men enrolled in the study. Median (25th, 75th) sperm concentration increased from 2.5 (0.1, 5.9) million/ml at baseline to 3.8 (2.1, 13.0) million/ml at the end of treatment (p=0.006). No significant changes in sperm motility were observed. There was a trend towards improved sperm morphology (p=0.056). Six pregnancies (three spontaneous and three from ICSI) and five births occurred during the study. Four of the births, including all three of the spontaneous pregnancies, were observed in men with improvements in sperm counts with isotretinoin therapy. Treatment was well tolerated. Isotretinoin therapy improves sperm production in some men with OA. Additional studies of isotretinoin in men with infertility from OA are warranted.
机译:目前尚无针对因少突性少精症(OA)而导致的不育男性的有效药物疗法。由于精子产生异常的男性睾丸中的13-顺-视黄酸浓度较低,因此我们假设,使用异维A酸(13-顺-视黄酸)治疗患有OA不育症的男性精子数量可能会增加。现场单臂前瞻性研究,以确定异维A酸对19例不育男性OA的精子指数的影响。受试者为21至60岁之间的男性,不育时间超过12个月,且精子浓度低于1500万精子/毫升。所有男性每天口服两次异维A酸20 mg,持续20周。在治疗期间,受试者每四周进行一次精液分析,身体检查和实验室检查。该研究共有19名男性参加。中位数(第25、75)的精子浓度从基线时的2.5(0.1,5.9)百万/ ml增加到治疗结束时的3.8(2.1,13.0)百万/ ml(p = 0.006)。没有观察到精子活力的显着变化。有改善精子形态的趋势(p = 0.056)。在研究过程中发生了6次怀孕(3次自发,3次来自ICSI)和5胎。观察到男性中有四个婴儿,包括所有三个自然怀孕,异维A酸疗法可改善精子数量。治疗耐受性良好。异维A酸治疗可改善某些OA患者的精子产生。有必要对OA不育症男性进行异维A酸的进一步研究。



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