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Population Genetic Structure in Glyphosate-Resistant and -Susceptible Palmer Amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) Populations Using Genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS)

机译:草甘膦抗药性和易感性Palm叶A菜(Amaranthus palmeri)群体的遗传结构通过基因分型测序(GBS)



Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) is a major weed in United States cotton and soybean production systems. Originally native to the Southwest, the species has spread throughout the country. In 2004 a population of A. palmeri was identified with resistance to glyphosate, a herbicide heavily relied on in modern no-tillage and transgenic glyphosate-resistant (GR) crop systems. This project aims to determine the degree of genetic relatedness among eight different populations of GR and glyphosate-susceptible (GS) A. palmeri from various geographic regions in the United States by analyzing patterns of phylogeography and diversity to ascertain whether resistance evolved independently or spread from outside to an Arizona locality (AZ-R). Shikimic acid accumulation and EPSPS genomic copy assays confirmed resistance or susceptibility. With a set of 1,351 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), discovered by genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS), UPGMA phylogenetic analysis, principal component analysis, Bayesian model-based clustering, and pairwise comparisons of genetic distances were conducted. A GR population from Tennessee and two GS populations from Georgia and Arizona were identified as genetically distinct while the remaining GS populations from Kansas, Arizona, and Nebraska clustered together with two GR populations from Arizona and Georgia. Within the latter group, AZ-R was most closely related to the GS populations from Kansas and Arizona followed by the GR population from Georgia. GR populations from Georgia and Tennessee were genetically distinct from each other. No isolation by distance was detected and A. palmeri was revealed to be a species with high genetic diversity. The data suggest the following two possible scenarios: either glyphosate resistance was introduced to the Arizona locality from the east, or resistance evolved independently in Arizona. Glyphosate resistance in the Georgia and Tennessee localities most likely evolved separately. Thus, modern farmers need to continue to diversify weed management practices and prevent seed dispersal to mitigate herbicide resistance evolution in A. palmeri.
机译:er菜(Amaranthus palmeri)是美国棉花和大豆生产系统中的主要杂草。该物种最初原产于西南地区,现已遍及全国。 2004年,人们确定了棕榈草种群对草甘膦具有抗性,草甘膦是现代免耕和转基因草甘膦抗性(GR)作物系统中高度依赖的除草剂。该项目旨在通过分析系统地理学和多样性的模式来确定抗药性是独立发展还是从中传播,从而确定来自美国不同地理区域的八个不同种群的GR和草甘膦易感性(GS)palmeri的遗传相关程度。在亚利桑那州(AZ-R)的外部。 ki草酸积累和EPSPS基因组拷贝测定证实了耐药性或敏感性。通过序列分型(GBS),UPGMA系统发育分析,主成分分析,基于贝叶斯模型的聚类以及成对比较遗传距离,发现了一组1,351个单核苷酸多态性(SNP)。田纳西州的GR种群与佐治亚州和亚利桑那州的两个GS种群在遗传上是不同的,而堪萨斯州,亚利桑那州和内布拉斯加州的其余GS种群与亚利桑那州和乔治亚州的两个GR种群聚在一起。在后一组中,AZ-R与来自堪萨斯州和亚利桑那州的GS人群关系最密切,其次是来自佐治亚州的GR人群。来自佐治亚州和田纳西州的遗传资源种群在遗传上彼此不同。没有检测到距离隔离,并且棕榈棕榈被揭示为具有高遗传多样性的物种。数据表明存在以下两种可能的情况:草甘膦抗性从东部引入亚利桑那州,或在亚利桑那州独立发展。佐治亚州和田纳西州的草甘膦抗药性很可能是分开发展的。因此,现代农民需要继续使杂草管理方法多样化,并防止种子散播,以减轻棕榈A.的除草剂抗性演变。



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